JAKARTA - Kepa goalkeeper Arrizabalaga realized it would not be long at Real Madrid. But he refuses to return to the old club, Chelsea.

Kepa was brought in by Madrid from Chelea on loan during one competition season. The former Spanish national team goalkeeper was borrowed following injuries suffered by goalkeeper Thibaut Courtoi. As a result, you have to rest for a long time.

Madrid also borrowed Kepa from Chelsea until the end of the competition season. Only he didn't want to go back to London.

The problem is, Madrid did not renew his contract. So, Kepa still had to leave the Santiago Bernabeu and return to Chelsea.

"He was indeed unlucky. Like no he was injured while in the best condition," said a source in British tabloid The Sun.

"He loves Madrid and is very high in defense. He will not give up," he said.

Kepa's real appearance was less convincing when Madrid faced Atletico Madrid in the semifinals of the Super Spanyo Cup. He conceded three times.

Luckily, Los Merengues won 3-0 so they qualified for the final to face Barcelona who knocked out Osasuna.

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