YOGYAKARTA - Exercising is a valuable routine that you should not go through in your daily life. You see, this routine not only helps you protect your body's health, but can also help shrink part of the body's zone, such as thighs and calf. Here are 7 types of exercise that you can take to shrink your thighs and calf. So, what types of exercise to shrink your thighs and calf?

Who doesn't want to have a healthy and proportional body? It could be that at this time you want to shrink your thigh and calf with exercise. Come on, try these seven sports regularly with other exercise activities and a healthy diet!

1. Lungs

Lungs is considered very efficient in reducing certain areas in the legs. This exercise can tighten muscles on the legs and burn the fat collected in the zone.

Want to try it? Try it with a leg as wide as your shoulder first, then take one step forward and bend it up to 90 degrees and the front thigh parallel to the floor. Make sure your knee your feet are parallel to the floor, and the knee of the front leg does not pass through your toe. Back to the initial position and repeat the movement 10 to 12 times, then repeat with the other legs.

2. Quat

Squat is one of the most efficient sports to shrink thighs and calf. The reason is that this sport can tighten the thigh and calf muscles, and burn fats located in the zone.

To carry out the squad, you can stand with your legs as wide as your shoulders, after that lower your body like sitting on a chair again. Make sure to protect your position is always straight and don't bend. Undergo this exercise as many as 3 sets with 15 repetitions in each set.

3. Cycling

Cycling can be a method to remove fat in the thigh. When you pedal a bicycle, the muscles in the front thigh, are quadriceps, will work hard. Not only that, the hamstring muscles located behind the thigh will also tighten.

Thus, cycling can be an efficient option to reduce thighs and calf. However, don't forget, this sport must be done regularly and in an orderly manner to get optimal results.

4. Up and down the stairs

For those of you who don't want to exercise outside the home, you can use stairs to shrink your thigh and calf. Going up and down the stairs as usual is no less efficient, because this sport can burn calories and tighten muscles on the legs.

5. Ballerina Plie

Ballerina plie can also help shrink her thighs and calf by tightening her muscles on the legs and burning the fat accumulated in the zone. To practice this sport, keep it on your feet as wide as your shoulders, then bend your muscles to your side and close your legs. Bend your legs until it forms a 90-degree angle and returns to its original position. Repeat the movement for 10 to 15 times the repetition.

6. Side Lying Adduction

This sport attributes the lateral movement of lifting the legs to tighten the muscles on the thighs and calf. At first, starting with the initial pose of the bed on the left or right side of your body with a tight and straight foot position. Lift your legs as long as possible up, hold it for a few seconds, and lower your legs slowly. Repeat the movement as much as 10 to 15 times the repetition for each side of your body.

7. Jogging

The last one is jogging this simple type of sport can also be an option for those of you who want to shrink your thigh and calf more quickly. This sport is efficient because you will move more than other body zones.

Another advantage of jogging is that you can do it near your house at any time according to the agenda, either in the morning or evening. So that the results are more pronounced, do it for 30 minutes to 1 hour every day.

So after knowing the sport to shrink thighs and calf, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!,

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