YOGYAKARTA - hamstring injury is the most common injury experienced by professional football players. This injury makes players feel pain and pain at the back of the thigh. If the condition is severe, players are forced to be taken off the field and have to rest. So how to handle the first hamstring injury?

Players who experience hamstring injuries while competing are usually seen holding the back of their thighs in pain. Hamstring is a collection of three muscles in the back of the thigh. The muscles that stretch near the tailbone until the bottom of the knee function to allow the legs to bend and stretch.

Given that the legs are predominantly moved body parts, it is important to keep the hamstring muscles from getting injured. So if you experience problems with these muscles, how about the first treatment of hamstring injuries?

Hamstring consists of three muscles, namely semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and femoris bisep muscles. These three muscles will activate when the legs bend and stretch, such as running, climbing, and jumping.

The hamstring injury occurs due to tendon or the three thigh muscles experiencing tearing or tension. This condition can occur when a person does a thigh movement quickly or rotates suddenly. The hamstring injury has several severitys, namely: light muscle drag or strain (Grade 1), partial muscle tear (Grade 2), and complete muscle tear (Grade 3).

At a mild level, sufferers will feel cramps such as pulled in the hamstring section. At a moderate level, it will experience swelling and decrease the strength of the hamstring muscle. While at a high level, the legs experience severe pain to the point of difficulty. Moved.

The risk of hamstring injury can be experienced by people with these conditions:

The wrong treatment of hamstring injuries will actually make this rear thigh muscle more sore. Therefore, you need to do the first proper treatment of hamstring injuries as follows:

When you have a hamstring injury, your leg must be rested immediately. Stop it and minimize all activities that involve movement and burden your legs. If you need to walk or move, you can use tools such as sticks and receipts.

The next step that needs to be done is compressing the thigh using ice. This method helps to reduce pain and swelling. Lay off the ice compress for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours.

Another treatment that can also be done is wrapping the bruised area with a bandage. Give a bandage gently, but still put a little pressure on the bruised part. You can use a towel or cloth as an alternative if there are no bandages.

Elevation also needs to be done when you have a hamstring injury. Position your legs higher than your chest and head to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process.

Another treatment that can also be done is taking pain relievers. Patients with hamstring injuries can take non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen or mephenamate acid which will treat pain and swelling. But keep in mind that drug consumption may also cause side effects.

That's the first way to handle a hamstring injury that needs to be done. The recovery period from a hamstring injury can vary for a long time depending on the severity. To prevent this injury, make sure to always warm up before exercising and avoid suddenly walking.

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