YOGYAKARTA - Catur is a sport that relies on the ability to think in managing strategies. Without having tactics, chess players only move chess pieces without direction and have a high potential to be defeated by opponents. There are several chess game strategies that need to be mastered by beginners.

In chess, every step or movement of the field is crucial so it must be planned carefully. Every chess player usually develops different strategies or tactics. With a brilliant strategy, chess players can break through the opponent's defense, trap or trap, and eat the opponent's pieces.

In addition, chess players must be able to read or anticipate attacks and movements from the opponent's pieces. Although not a professional chess player, beginners still have to apply a chess game strategy so they can win.

Here are some chess game strategies that novice players can apply:

The first step in chess has a very crucial role. Therefore, novice players need to understand some of the early opening tricks in playing chess. For example by carrying out the pion e4 or d4 steps.

Making careful and measurable first steps will be a strong foundation for further movement and during matches. Try to explore the chess piece movement quickly but with great consideration, such as moving the minister and horse to a strategic position, as well as maintaining the control of the chessboard.

Bidak perwira dalam chess sama seperti menteri dan kuda, yang mana memiliki pergerakan yang unik. Pecatur pebawah perlu memahami pentingnya menempatkan perwira secara cermat dan tepat.

Meanwhile, ministers can have a strong role when placed in the middle of an open board. Horse pawns are more effective in close combat. Learn the movements and roles of officers to optimize the collaboration of the movement of other pieces in the game.

The king is the most valuable piece in chess. As a beginner, you must focus on attack on the king of opponents. Find loopholes or weaknesses in the defense of the opposing king and take advantage of existing loopholes to threaten or attack him. Direct the movement of the pawns carefully to launch an effective attack and threaten the security of the opposing king.

In addition to attacking the king of opponents, players must also remain focused on maintaining the safety of the king himself. Do not leave the area around the king's piece in too open condition because it results in being vulnerable to the opponent's attack. Protect your king by placing several pieces of solid defense around him. Always observe the movement of opponents that has the potential to threaten the position of the king.

Given that chess games are often won by players who can control the center of the board, you need to make moves to dominate the central board. By controlling the center of the board, your chess pieces have the flexibility to move in various directions. While opponents will find it difficult to find a strong position for placing their pieces. Don't just fix on one side of the chessboard, but don't ignore the control of the game center.

Such is the review of the chess game strategy for beginners that can be applied to win matches. In addition to focusing on carrying out the right strategy, players must also observe and take into account the movement of the opposing piece.

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