2024 U-23 Asian Cup Qualification In Indonesia, Solo Manahan Stadium Appointed As Venue Organizer
Manahan Stadium, Surakarta (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Indonesia officially hosts the 2024 U-23 Asian Cup qualifiers. For the event, Manahan Stadium in Solo was appointed as the venue for the event. In the qualifying session which will take place on September 4-12, Indonesia is confirmed to be the host. The Garuda Nusantara squad is members of Group K with Turkmenistan and Taiwan. Manahan Stadium Solo was appointed as the location of the event considering its status met international standards. PSSI also took this moment as an opportunity to show stadium skills in the country. A tremendous opportunity for Solo City to have this international standard stadium.' This means that international match matches can be held in the city of Solo," said PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir in a statement received on Sunday, June 4. "This is why PSSI communicates with FIFA and AFC to consider this facility can be used for one of the preliminary (qualification) stages for which there are eleven groups and one in Indonesia for the U-23 Asian Cup," he continued. The man who also serves as Minister of BUMN hopes that the city of Solo as the venue can host a good international match in the event. Don't let the trust given to Indonesia, both domestically and internationally, moreover I make sure that AFC and PSSI have again appointed Solo, 'So I think this needs to be properly guarded, lest our football have a negative perception outside, this is what it wants to be built,' he said.

After reporting that Manahan Stadium will be the location for the U-23 Asian Cup Qualification, Erick Thohir has seen the readiness and condition of the location, then he will review other supporting facilities to hold the 2023 U-23 Asian Cup qualification. "Furthermore, we will see later the facilities for the readiness of the hotels that we will cooperate with. We are still waiting for which hotels will cooperate with AFC and PSSI to be the place for the team from guests to be present here," said Erick.

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