The National Police Chief's Staff for Logistics (Slog) of the National Police is asked to optimize their duties and functions to provide support for all operational work units to oversee the smooth implementation of the national agenda.

One of the national agendas is the 2023 U-20 World Cup which will be held May 20-June 11, 2023 in the country.

This was said by the National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the closing ceremony of the Technical Working Meeting (Rakenis) of the Police Slog Work Unit in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Friday, February 3.

"In 2023, the National Police will face various activities, starting from carrying out national agenda security which has now been held, securing international agendas starting from U-20 which will soon be carried out, then ASEAN Chairmanship," said Sigit at the closing ceremony of the Technical Working Meeting (Rakenis) of the Police Slog Work Unit in Yogyakarta, Friday.

Listyo said the request was in accordance with President Joko Widodo's mandate at the TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting last February.

"Where the duties and functions of the logistics sector are the main supporting functions for members who carry out their duties. Mainly the task force (work unit) carrying out operational tasks," he added.

Listyo explained that strengthening the role and function of the logistics sector will be very much needed because the National Police is involved in various agendas both at the national and international levels.

Moreover, he continued, there is a national agenda for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections where the role of the Police is very much needed in guarding and securing all stages.

Therefore, Sigit emphasized that the National Police's Slog must ensure that all equipment and other supporting tools needed in operational activities can be well available. This is important so that the duties of members in the field are optimally supported by adequate logistics.

"Currently, entering the stage of the election, where the dynamics must also continue to be followed. Of course, logistics as a supporting function to prepare so that the facilities and infrastructure that are owned are really ready," he explained.

He emphasized that strengthening or optimizing the National Police's Slog in operational functions aims to further strengthen the role of the National Police in overseeing all national policy agendas.

In addition, strengthening the National Police's Slog is also for the benefit of the community, especially when handling natural disasters in Indonesia. The National Police must move quickly to help residents as a representation of the state's presence.

"Things like that that I emphasize and we ask that everything be prepared properly," he said.

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