JAKARTA - The NBA will require its players to use a COVID-19 tracking tool. This was done in order to control the spread of the corona virus throughout the 2020/21 season competition.

ESPN reported, the censorship program will be effective as of January 7 and applies to all players, officials, and coaches. This tracking device must be used by the players during the trip, both on the bus and on the plane.

The purpose of using this detection tool is to identify if any club member has tested positive for COVID-19. These sensors allow the wearer to know if he has contracted the coronavirus within just six feet of other users.

This is not the first time the NBA has used technology to monitor the health of players as well as their efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus during the competition.

The NBA had previously implemented a similar obligation when they were considering resuming the 2019/20 league season which had been suspended since March 2019. The NBA requires the use of the Oura smart ring, a ring capable of detecting early symptoms of COVID-19.

Oura is claimed to be able to monitor changes in body temperature, heart rate, and movement with three sensors and an accelerometer and a gyroscope. The United States has been hard hit by the pandemic, recording nearly 20 million positive cases of COVID-19 and 344 thousand deaths.

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