YOGYAKARTA - The patience of the kudu must be extra, especially in weightlifting and kitchen rooms, when there are usually desired results specifically for athletes: finding out tips to accelerate muscle growth.

Indeed, change takes time. But if you try to find the fastest way to form a muscle and don't see a clear increase in size from month to month, it's a sign that your approach is wrong. And exercise is a very bad thing to waste. Plus, even if you look at progress, there's no reason you can't try to get more muscle.

How do you improve your results? Here are some tips that will teach you how to form muscles.

Improve Your Training Volume

The exercise volume your repetition number multiplied by the number of your sets is the main determinant of hypertrophy (must volume growth). And to increase volume, you may really need to lose weight from what you expect.

"Compared to the training for strength, the intensity will decrease during a program's hypertrophy phase, with a sitting intensity of between 50 and 75 percent of a person's 1RM, the maximum weight he can lift for one repetition," said Ava Kalimantan, CCS, CPT, sports performance coach with the Professional Athletic Performance Center in New York.

To get the volume your muscles need, he recommends doing each of your lifts for three to six sets with 10 to 20 repetitions.

Reduce Interval Inter-Set Rest

If you touch your phone between training sets, you should set the time control to 30 to 90 seconds. When lifting for hypertrophy, a break time of 30 to 90 seconds encourages rapid release of muscle-forming hormones (including testosterone and human growth hormones) while also ensuring that you really tire your muscles, according to your mind.

Research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology last year shows that, despite the repetition and set scheme, your muscles are prerequisites for hypertrophy. Don't be afraid to feel burns.

To Grow Healthlessly, Eat More Proteins

Force exercise breaks your muscles, and protein rebuilds them. The more difficult it is to practice your lift, the more important muscle-forming foods are when weighing protein intake to strengthen recovery, explainsTEN.

According to research from the University of Stirling, for optimal protein growth, weightlifters need to consume 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per meal. For people weighing 175 pounds, it produces 20 to 24 grams of protein each meal. You'll get it in three to four eggs, a cup of Greek yogurt, or a tablespoon of protein powder.

Focus on the Eccentric Phase

When lifting any weight, you will experience a concentric phase (agonistic muscle contraction) and eccentric (agonis muscle inflammation). For example, when you squat, you do eccentric acts. When you get back to your feet, it's concentric. And, according to research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, eccentric work is much better at triggering hypertrophys.

To increase the amount of eccentric effort in your exercise, you can do two things: slow down the eccentric phase of every exercise you do or integrate only eccentric variations into your routine.

Take a squat, for example. To make it eccentric, you'll go down to the floor, and end training there. Note: If you try just eccentric training, you need to increase the load you're using substantially. physiologically, muscles are much stronger to move eccentrically than concentrically.

Focus on Surplus Kalori, Not Defisit

This can be a difficult thing to do, especially for those who are used to counting calories in the hope of eliminating fat. But when it comes to how to quickly increase muscle mass (meaning weight gains, not drops), you need to consume more calories than you burn every day.

That's because, when your body feels a calorie deficit - it means you consume less calories than you burn every day - it lowers your body's tendency to build new muscles. After all, if your body considers food to be lacking, swelling will not be a top priority.

Aiming to eat about 250 to 500 extra calories per day. To ensure that the body weight obtained comes from muscles, you recommend that most of these calories come from protein. In the 2014 Pennington Biomedical Research Center study, people who eat high-calorie foods rich in protein store about 45% of these calories as muscles, while those who follow a low diet of proteins with the same number of calories are stored 95% of these calories as fat.

Try Complementing With Creatine

Creatine does not immediately grow muscles. But by improving your performance in weight lifting exercises, this natural compound effectively increases muscle growth, according to the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

In fact, in a review of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, the researchers concluded that, with a certain weight, complementing the creating can help you lift 14% more repetitions than you can do without supplements.

For the best results, choose a creative monohydrate, the most researched form of supplements.

So after knowing tips for accelerating muscle growth, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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