JAKARTA - The Indonesian team won proud achievements on the first day of the 2022 Wushu Junior World Championship, Tuesday, December 6. Three gold medals were won by Indonesian athletes.

Rainer Reinaldy Ferdiansyah opened the tap for a gold medal for Indonesia. He became the best in the men's junior group A number taolu tajiji/cheap.

Rainer became the best by collecting 9.40 points. He defeated Vietnam's Nguyen Quang Minh in second place with 9.06 points and Egyptian athlete Ali Essam who won bronze after pocketing 9.02 points.

The second gold was then presented by Josh Tiesto Tanto who fell in the men's quan. Josh bagged the best score 9.28.

He defeated closest competitors, Sota Miyamori from Japan and Ko Yeongwo from South Korea, each collecting 9.25 and 9.18 points.

Indonesia's gold coffers increased to three after Kylie Suyoto Kwok became the best in the women's taolu changquan group A number. Kylie looked stunning and got the highest score of 9.303.

He won over Malaysian representative Kai Xin Wong who took second place with 9.226 points and athlete Macau Weng Ian Wong who was in third place with 9.223 points.

"All the opponents here are looking good. Especially I saw from Malaysia and Macau. I am grateful to be able to become champions," Kylie said after the competition, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 5.

"During the two months of preparation, it was not in vain, in the end, the achievements I wanted to achieve," said the athlete fostered by Sasana Rajawali Sakti Jakarta.

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