JAKARTA - Brazil's national team coach Tite admitted that he had made a mistake regarding Neymar's injury. Tite did not realize that Neymar had an ankle injury before being pulled out.

Neymar got a severe injury when Brazil won over Serbia in their first match at the 2022 World Cup last Thursday.

The Paris Saint-Germain star then shared the latest conditions on his official Instagram account on Saturday, November 26. A photo appears showing his leg swollen badly.

After the match, Tite said, Neymar could still appear in Qatar. However, now he has changed his mind. He claimed to have made a mistake regarding Neymar's injury.

"I made a mistake," Tite said as quoted by Live Score. "I didn't realize it and I want to admit this publicly."

"He (Neymar) was injured, I didn't see him injured, we didn't get that information. He tried to keep playing until he told us he felt his ankle, because at that time he had the ability to try to help the team."

Based on statistics, Neymar was violated nine times during the match against Serbia. This is not a strange thing because it has been the target of harsh treatment during his appearance in the previous two World Cups.

If the 2014 and 2018 World Cup records are combined, Neymar is violated 44 times or once every 21 minutes.

"If we want to enjoy football, we have to pay attention to violations, because they focus on certain players," Tite said. "This is a fact and must be stopped."

However, Tite remains confident that Neymar and Danilo will return before Brazil's campaign in Qatar ends.

"That's my opinion. Medically I'm not in a position to speak but I have a medical report," he said.

Although he is sure that Neymar, as well as Danilo, who was also injured against Serbia, can return, Tite does not want to focus on him. He admitted that he was ready to face any situation.

"We have 26 players who have to be fit and in top condition, that's how we work. This shows why the team's spirit is important," he said.

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