YOGYAKARTA Eko Yuli Irawan's profile, Indonesia's mainstay lifter, is interesting to watch.

Eko's journey in pursuing a career as a weightlifter was made into a short film entitled Eko Yuli Irawan The Movie.

The film, directed by sports market manufacturer SFIDN FITS, opens with the story of little Eko who has to herd goats in Lampung every day and suddenly finds a weightlifting gym and gets an offer to train by the club coach.

Through the short film with a duration of 10.25 minutes, it is also told that Eko, who is the son of a pedicab driver and a vegetable trader's mother, is determined to raise the status of his parents by becoming a weightlifter who can represent Merah Putih in various international championships, including the Olympics. So, what is the figure of Eko Yuli Irawan like?

Born in Metro City, Lampung on July 24, 1989, Eko was the son of an ordinary person with a family economy, which was classified as underprivileged. His father, Saman, worked as a pedicab driver. Meanwhile, his mother, Wasstiah, a vegetable seller, was collected by VOI from various sources, Sunday, November 27, 2022.

Before pursuing a career as an athlete, Eko was once only a goatherder.

The beginning of Eko's interest in weightlifting when he saw children practice lifting heavy weights at the YO Haryono gym. Eko, who was interested, then joined and joined in training with others.

In 2007, Eko managed to make a brilliant achievement. He won a gold medal at the 2007 world championship which was held in Prague, Czech Republic. At that time, he competed in the 56 kg class.

Not only that, at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Eko also managed to bring home a bronze medal. A year later, on June 17, 2009, Eko, who incidentally was Indonesia's young lifter, won gold at the Junior Weightlifting World Championship in Bucharest, Romania.

Three years later, Eko brought home a bronze medal when he appeared in the 63 kg class at the 2012 London Olympics.

Furthermore, at the 2016 Rio Olympics, Eko who fell in the 62 kg class successfully won a silver medal.

At the 2018 Asian Games which were staged in Indonesia, precisely in Jakarta-Palembang, Eko again made Indonesia proud by contributing a gold medal in the 62 kg weightlifting branch with a total lift of 311 kg (141 kg snatch and 170 kg clean and jerk). These results made him superior to Vietnamese lifter Trinh van Vinh with a total lift of 299 kg.

At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Eko won a silver medal after ranking second in the 61 kg class with a total lift of 302 kg.

Achievement List Eko Yuli Irawan in International Ajang

1. Olympics

2. Asian Games

3. World Championships

Currently, the name Eko Yuli Irawan is being submitted to the list of athletes who will depart for the 2022 IWF World Championships in Bogota, Colombia, on October 5-16.

This is information about the profile of Eko Yuli Irawan, a goatherder who is Indonesia's mainstay lifter. Hopefully it inspires!

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