JAKARTA - UFC star Jiri Prochazka has revealed the crazy training method he adheres to. This strange ritual is always done before the match.

He admitted to locking himself in the dark room for three days. The light heavyweight champion left without food for 72 hours.

Prochazka just lets himself drink water to compromise with the devil in him.

The Czech fighter said this exercise could overcome the strengthening of his senses. While meditation helps make his body stronger.

The 30-year-old beat Gloover Texeira at UFC 275 last June to win a lightweight heavyweight title. It shows that the method is successful.

Prochazka has shared a photo of the room where he locked himself in without food to his Instagram account. He told The MMA Hour, "It's all done in the dark for three days, and there you can work with your demon and train what you want."

"I don't want to talk much, because it's like my personal business," he continued.

Prochazka called this a "pure" experience. He reiterated that he could not talk much about this ritual.

"For me, these things are very personal... and holy," he said.

Prochazka is scheduled to face Texeira again in December. They will have a rematch at UFC 275.

And ahead of the title fight, Prochazka said he spent three days in the dark without "very helpful" food for his training.

He said: "This is very helpful. It's just you and you. No one else. It's the first time I've done it without food, so it's just with water. It's much stronger when you're without food.

"All processes on your body are much stronger. Keep working a lot, and you have to die here first.

"And three days, four days, that's not too much.

"But I used that just to identify who I really was, and then I could start training and push to the next level with me for the truth, be more honest."

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