JAKARTA - Marc Marquez is certain to appear in MotoGP Aragon after being sidelined for a long time due to injury. Marquez did not want to have high hopes in this comeback race.

He even said the opportunity to climb the podium was very thin.

Marquez last appeared to defend Repsol Honda in Italian MotoGP on 29 May. After appearing in Italy, the Spaniard was absent from undergoing the fourth operation to recover his right arm's humerus injury.

After his condition began to improve, he was also allowed to race again in MotoGP Aragon. Marquez was enthusiastic, but did not want to be too adamant.

The opportunity to climb the podium for me is one percent. I mean it's really small," said Marquez, quoted from Crash.

First, I was still far from the best physical condition. Likewise with hand muscles. My bones have recovered, but the condition of the muscles is still far from what I want," he continued explaining.

In addition, said Marquez, the condition of the team which is currently difficult is also considered as another aspect why he is not too optimistic.

Secondly because Honda is in a very difficult condition. We are still far from other factory teams," he said.

Although he said the chance to get the podium was only one percent, Marquez did not want to give up on the situation. He was determined to give his best on the track.

"My target is to try and end every weekend's race from now on," said Marquez.

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