JAKARTA - Thomas Muller will return to the field with Robert Lewandowski in the Champions League. However, this time they will not wear the same clothes.

This fact led to a joke in Bayern Munich's training session ahead of the Champions League match against Barcelona, as the German international explained.

"Mane jokingly reminded me for the last 10 days to be careful so I don't pass the ball to Lewandowski," Muller said at his pre-match press conference.

"We have to play our game tomorrow and not focus too much on Lewy.

Our connection on the pitch has developed over the years. But now we have a lot of flexible players up front and we don't have a single player fixed.

"Lawan doesn't know who our striker is, but we have to make him work".

Barcelona are heading into Champions League games in different forms than when they were humiliated by Bavarian clubs in recent seasons, and Muller is wary of that fact.

"We want to win in a duel and we want to be active when we lose the ball," he continued.

The game will open. In the Bundesliga we recently played against opponents who defended well.

"I think tomorrow will be a match that neutral fans will enjoy."

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