JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Zainudin Amali, hopes that all youth activities must have a grand design and parameters and measurements that can be used as a reference for success or failure. This hope was conveyed when he opened the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Youth Sector in 2020 virtually in the Situation Room of the Kemenpora Office, Jakarta.

"All youth activities must have parameters and measures that can be used as a reference. Whether the activities, both youth development and empowerment, are successful or not. Bappenas also has a measure of the Youth Development Index," said Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali, Monday, November 9 afternoon.

According to Zainudin, this Rakornas activity must also work in synergy with other ministries and institutions. Because the responsibility for developing, empowering and fostering youth activities is not only the responsibility of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. All stakeholders have the responsibility to develop and empower youth, which amounts to 24% of the total population of Indonesia.

"We have to really prepare youth today and in the future. Moreover, they will face a demographic bonus. The government is very serious about preparing it. The program we encourage is how to prepare youth to be creative, innovative, independent and competitive," said the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports.

The Kemenpora program is in line with what has been stated in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Youth become the main actors, become the subject of development itself. It is the future of the youth nation that will control the leadership of this nation in all aspects of life.

"Currently we are not at the same level of concept. For that we need this National Coordination Meeting involving all stakeholders, not only Kemenpora but involving other ministries / institutions in which there are youth programs," he explained.

Every policy that is taken, continued the Indonesian Menpora, is implemented in the regions. That is why the Indonesian Menpora really appreciated this National Coordination Meeting. "I really appreciate this activity, because this is an opportunity to talk about youth. The Youth Law No.40 / 2009 has many developments that must be accommodated by this regulation," he said.

Currently the Ministry of Youth and Sports is pushing for a revision of the Law on SKN, hopefully this will be completed quickly and the Ministry of Youth and Sports will enter into a revision of the Youth Law and the Scouting Law. "The Grand Design regarding youth and sports coaching is one important thing, various activities and various programs without a grand design, without a clear roadmap will be useless, because we cannot measure the level of success and failure," he explained.

The Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports also hopes that the results of this National Coordination Meeting will be used as recommendations for the government to produce youth policies in the future. "I hope that important recommendations will be born which will be the basis for the direction of youth development and empowerment in the future. Hopefully the size and index provided by Bappenas can be achieved soon, especially the youth development index for 2020-2024 and I hope to go beyond that," he said.

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