JAKARTA - PBSI's men's singles, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, stalled in the semifinals of the Indonesia Masters 2022. He had to admit the superiority of the Danish representative, Viktor Axelsen, Saturday, June 11.

Competing at Istora Senayan, Ginting gave up two straight games 15-21 and 15-21 from the first seed.

At the beginning of the first game, Ginting tried to suppress Axelsen and won 2-1 over his opponent. However, Axelsen counterattacked and changed things. The 2020 Olympic champion was also far ahead 5-2.

The world number one badminton player continues to stay away in points. He excelled further, namely 8-2. Ginting slowly tried to catch up, but Axelsen closed the interval with 11-7.

Axelsen's game is hard to match Ginting in this first game. He couldn't keep up. The Indonesian men's singles gave up with a score of 15-21.

Ginting tried to get up in the second game. However, Axelsen was still too strong and managed to lead by two points, 5-3. However, the host representative did not give up and was able to equalize to 5-5.

The tight battle continued until halftime. Axelsen is only 11-10 ahead of Ginting. The two players took turns getting points until the position was 13-13.

However, after the 14-14 position, Axelsen was able to excel far over Ginting. His good game brought the Danish representative to a 19-14 lead. Ginting also gave up 15-21.

With this result, the final will bring together the first and third seeds. Axelsen will face Chou Tien Chen who in the previous match won over Loh Kean Yew with a score of 21-16, 8-21 and 21-14.

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