JAKARTA - Liga 1 promotion club, Persis Solo, has terminated its sponsorship relationship with the cooking oil company, Wilmar. This is a form of the club's commitment to upholding the principles of sportsmanship and humanity.

The termination of the sponsorship relationship cannot be separated from the legal case that is currently happening to Wilmar. As previously reported by VOI, the Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia has been named a suspect in the bribery case for palm oil exports that caused scarcity and soaring cooking oil prices in Indonesia.

This case has become a hot topic of discussion in the public. The name Persis Solo was also dragged along because it has a cooperative relationship with the company owned by the conglomerate Martua Sitorus.

Those who understand this hot issue, immediately take action by making an official statement. They admitted that they regretted the incident and took firm steps to end their cooperation with Wilmar.

"As a professional football club that upholds the principles of sportsmanship and humanity as aspired by the founders since Persis was formed, it is important for us to be responsive and sensitive in understanding the social turmoil that exists in today's society," the club said in a statement on its official website. .

Persis management feels that they have a moral responsibility that comes not only from football fans, but also from the Solo community as a whole. For that, it is important for them to take a serious decision as a sign of attitude.

"In this case, we have decided not to continue our collaboration with Wilmar as one of Persis Solo's sponsors," the statement continued.

"Issues related to the termination of cooperation, will be followed up by Persis in accordance with professional agreements that apply before the law," they concluded.

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