JAKARTA - PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan said the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia international event was a good start for another global sporting event, the U-20 World Cup, which will be held in 2023.

"Next year we will hold a world event, namely the U-20 in 2023 in Indonesia. This is also the first time in the history of Indonesian football that Indonesia has held a world cup event," said Iriawan as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 20.

"Ninety-two years PSSI was founded for the first time, this is extraordinary. Once again this is all thanks to our president convincing FIFA that Indonesia can do it."

Before being busy in the world of football, Iriawan admitted that he liked MotoGP, especially when Valentino Rossi and Dani Pedrosa were still strong rivals in the racing arena.

"I followed the old one, The Doctor, here I am busy with football, but as soon as there is Mandalika I am interested again ... Because I don't have to go far, from Jakarta it is only 2 hours until I can watch it," said Iriawan.

Iriawan also praised the Mandalika circuit, which he said was world class. He also saw that Lombok, especially Central Lombok, which is the district where the Mandalika circuit is located, has undergone many changes compared to when he was the Kapolda.

"I am proud to see Mandalika, we should be proud that the Indonesian nation has an extraordinary stadium... I am proud once again of Indonesia, of Mandalika, we will continue to move forward to be on par with other countries in the world," said Iriawan.

Meanwhile, regarding the 2023 U-20 World Cup, Iriawan said that the implementation was in the hands of the government, including the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The 2023 U-20 World Cup is planned to be held at six venues, including the Jakabaring Stadium in Palembang, Si Jalak Harupat Stadium in Bandung, Manahan Stadium in Solo, Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium in Surabaya, as well as a stadium in Bali, so that according to Iriawan it will "become an great moment."

"I have seen that all the venues are ready, I just need to complete it again. The stadium is okay, so God willing, we will be proud that there will be a World Cup in Indonesia in 2023, please pray for and support it," said Iriawan.

"I am responsible for the achievements of the national team. The national team is now in Korea, now today is two days of physical training, of course this is a big job for me. I will devote my energy to my national team," he added.

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