JAKARTA - Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp asked his team to focus on maintaining the advantage when facing Inter in the second leg of the Champions League at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, Tuesday night local time.

Quoted from the club's official website on Tuesday, Klopp said a 2-0 scoreline was still dangerous because his team would think they had put one foot in the next round and that would be a mistake.

"All the dangers that everyone needs to know. It's 2-0, the advantage I think is most often overturned in the history of football," Klopp explained.

"Because when you end the first half with a 2-0 lead and you have a team that thinks they are half way through, you've been thinking in the wrong way, so we've been around long enough (in this competition) and we know that. he continued.

According to him, a 2-0 win over Inter in the first leg, is a better result for Liverpool than he expected before playing at the San Siro Stadium, three weeks ago.

The German coach thought, when the match against Inter, the match did not look like it would end with the score 2-0 for Liverpool's victory.

He explained that the match was a difficult match and it was difficult to play their style of play, knowing Inter have qualities that cannot be underestimated.

"It was a better result than I had expected, to be honest, before we played there. The game went like we would have won it 2-0," Klopp explained.

"It was a difficult meeting and a very difficult game to play. We knew before they had real quality. After that, we knew we had real quality."

In the first leg, Liverpool secured a 2-0 win over Inter thanks to goals scored by Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah towards the end of the second half.

This victory means Liverpool only need a draw or at least lose by one goal difference to Inter in the second leg to ensure themselves qualify for the Champions League quarter-finals.

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