JAKARTA - A match full of drama was presented when Atletico Madrid won a dramatic 4-3 win over Getafe in the Spanish League Week 24 at Wanda Metropolitano, Madrid on Sunday 13 February. Angel Correa scored two goals for Atletico, and the other two were contributed each. by Matheus Cunha and Mario Hermoso. Meanwhile Getafe scored three goals through two Enes Unal penalties and a Borja Mayoral kick. This result temporarily lifted Atletico to fourth place with 39 points, one level above Barcelona. Meanwhile, Getafe sit in 15th place with 25 points. The home team immediately got a golden opportunity after getting a penalty in the 9th minute after Luis Suarez was fouled by goalkeeper David Soria. Suarez stepped up as the executioner, but Soria made amends by parrying Suarez's shot. Atlético finally took the lead in the 20th minute. Angel Correa got his name on the scoreboard after meeting Suarez's cross with a header in goal mouth to make it 1-0. Diego Simeone's men doubled the score in the 27th minute. This time it was Matheus Cunha's turn to beat David Soria from close range. It's 2-0 to Atletico. Getafe are not standing still. Borja Mayoral reduced the deficit in the 30th minute after snatching a cross from Jakub Jankto. The score became 2-1. The visitors had a chance to equalize after being awarded a penalty after Cunha made a handball while trying to head the ball. Enes Unal beat Oblak to level the score to 2-2 in the 37th minute. Referee Ricardo De Burgos again awarded a penalty to Getafe after Atletico's players returned to handball in the 42nd minute. Enes Unal returned to doing his job well as executor to bring Getafe back ahead 3-2. Atlético responded well to the goal and was able to equalize the score to 3-3 in first-half injury time. Thomas Lemar's cross into the penalty box was successfully met with Angel Correa's header which scored Soria's goal. Atlético had to play with 10 men in the 58th minute. Felipe was shown a straight red card after lifting his foot too high and hitting Mauro Arambarri in the face. Outnumbered, Atletico played more defensively and Getafe took advantage of the situation by locking the home team in, but they were still struggling to get into the box. Atletico managed to score the winner. in the 89th minute through Mario Hermoso. The goal started with a free shot at the far post which was continued by Joao Felix to direct the ball into the goal mouth and Hermoso successfully grabbed the ball. The host team turned 4-3 ahead. There were no additional goals until the referee ended the match and Los Colchoneros had the right to pocket the three points.

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