JAKARTA – The Indonesian team players used various methods during quarantine to kill boredom before competing in the 2022 Asian Team Badminton Championships (BATC). Starting from reading books, watching Korean dramas, to reciting the Koran.

Indonesia arrived in Malaysia on Monday, February 7 last. Upon arrival, they must undergo a five-day quarantine following the rules in force in the country concerned.

For five days the players are required to spend time in their respective rooms and cannot move outside the inn. For this reason, in addition to practicing independently, players also try to keep themselves busy with other activities so they don't get bored quickly in the room.

One of them is Pramudya Kusumawardana. In addition to training and workouts, during quarantine he also uses the time to study and do college assignments because he is a student.

“Besides, I also like to read books. The book I'm reading right now is called Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman," said the fifth semester student of Business Management at Trisakti University, Jakarta, in a release received by VOI.

Meanwhile, female doubles specialist Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi chose to watch Korean dramas from her smartphone.

“My activity to pass the time during quarantine is watching a lot of Korean dramas on Ipad. I like watching drakor, because it's fun and can relieve boredom, "said Amalia.

Spending time in the room by watching movies via a smartphone or laptop is also done by other players. Starting from Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma, Nita Violina Marwah, Lanny Tria Mayasari, Jesita Putri Miantoro to Putri Kusuma Wardani also spent their time watching movies.

“I watch action movies and also listen to pop music. Not bad for getting rid of boredom while in quarantine," said Nita.

Meanwhile, Jesita admitted that she took the time to play puzzles apart from watching movies. “Because watching a movie feels exciting and stressful, so it doesn't make you bored in your room. Meanwhile, playing puzzles is always addictive,” said Jesita.

Febriana also has various activities to entertain herself while languishing in her room. After getting tired of watching he will drown with the reading. "Read the book to increase knowledge and knowledge," said the athlete who is usually called Ana.

Another activity that players do is recite the Koran. This was done by Lanny on the sidelines after practice and watching. Every day Lanny always has time to read the scriptures. "Let's increase the reward," he said.

The rising star of the single sector, Putri Kusuma Wardani, also has a way of enjoying the quarantine period. He not only drifts with the story in the film, but leaves the opportunity to watch YouTube. "The reason is because I don't want to be bored in the room," said Putri KW.

The 2022 Asian Team Badminton Championships will take place in Selangor, Malaysia, on 15-20 February 2022. Indonesia will come with 20 young players.

From the men's singles sector, Indonesia has the title as the defending champion. For that they are burdened with the task of repeating the success of the previous edition.

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