Allegedly Because He Refuses To Be Invited To Have Sex, Mason Greenwood Beats Harriet Robson
Photos of Harriet Robson outside circulating in social media. (photo; twitter screenshot)

JAKARTA โ€“ Mason Greenwood's bad behavior towards his girlfriend Harriet Robson could destroy the career of the young Manchester United footballer.

Mason Greenwood's girlfriend, Harriet Robson, has accused the United striker of physical abuse. Harriet later posted videos and pictures of Greenwood's violence on Instagram.

Harriet also made a photo caption that what was seen in the photo was the result of Greenwood's actions. Cash in this case was excited.

The photos were eventually spread in cyberspace. On twitter many netizens in the UK posted the photos by peppering the statement addressed to Greenwood.

Even in a voice recording uploaded on social media it is clear, if Greenwood sounded angry because Harriet Robson refused intercourse requested by the young striker.

Mason Greenwood himself started a special relationship with Harriet Robson in 2019. Previously, the two of them had known each other since they were in high school.

The two of them had separated due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Mason Greenwood and Harriet Robson, who is also a blonde photo model, decided to resume their relationship after the pandemic began to subside.

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