JAKARTA - The Indonesian and Timor Leste national teams will undergo a trial match on the FIFA Matchday agenda in Bali on 27 and 30 January. It was rumored that the match could be attended by spectators, but recently a final decision was made regarding the match's title.

The match between the Indonesian national team and Timor Leste will be held without spectators. This certainty was obtained after a meeting was held between the Bali Police, PSSI, and the Bali Island COVID-19 Task Force as the venue for the match.

From the meeting, it was concluded that the cases of the Omicron type of COVID-19 in Bali were increasing. This situation makes the stakeholders do not want to take risks if the match is held with the presence of spectators which actually opens the potential for transmission.

“We (PSSI) are aware of and understand this problem. PSSI has coordinated with all parties regarding this (holding a match with the audience)," said Head of Dept. Supporter Development and Engagement, Budiman Dalimunthe in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, January 26.

"This (the decision without spectators) is the best step to protect all players, officials, organizing committee and supporters themselves against Omicron variants," he said.

Furthermore, Budiman also added that currently the fourth series of Liga 1 is underway on the Island of the Gods. That is why to protect all parties involved in Liga 1, the cancellation of spectators at the match between Indonesia and Timor Leste is understandable.

“Above all that there is a more important safety issue. FIFA matchday is important, but following health protocols is even more important. That's why strict procedures plus no spectators are the right steps," he said.

"Hopefully in the next FIFA matchday there will be spectators. Even that, with the record that the Omicron variant continues to decline," concluded Budiman while hoping that the situation would improve.

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