JAKARTA - The government of West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara has stated its readiness to host the World Surf League (WSL) qualification which will be held in mid-June 2022.

Assistant for General Administration of the West Lombok Regional Secretariat H Ilham, in West Lombok Regency, Tuesday, said his party hoped that the WSL international event could actually be held in his area.

"Essentially, this is part of a major effort by the West Lombok Regency Government to improve people's welfare," said Ilham when accompanying the Indonesian Wave Surfing Association (PSOI) executive who conducted a site survey with the WSL organizing team at Dessert Point, Batu Putih Village, Sekotong District. quoted between.

Through the WSL event, according to him, the world community will know more about West Lombok Regency.

However, the great opportunity to host this prestigious event will require a number of conditions that must be met as a potential host.

"For the initial infrastructure that is already sufficient and just needs to be redeveloped, and our homework (PR) is access to locations and the availability of internet services," he said.

Apart from road access, he said, it turns out that internet access is also still a PR at Dessert Point, because internet access will be the core of a match to be broadcast to the whole world.

"This means that the purpose of the live broadcast is that everyone can see that in West Lombok, there are points for world-class surfing," he said.

Anggi Yuhista, one of the PSOI teams, admitted that the waves at Dessert Point in Batu Putih Village have been very well known among national and international surfers and have been included in the category of waves for world-class competitions.

In addition, the waves are also consistent and the length can reach more than 300 meters.

"So if other supporting aspects can be fulfilled, the opportunity to host the WSL qualification is certainly very open for West Lombok," he said.

Besides West Lombok Regency, there are two other regions that will first hold a series of similar events, namely Krui in Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung, and Nias Regency, North Sumatra.

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