JAKARTA - The coach of Tottenham Hostspur, Antonio Conte, commented on the meeting that took place between the coaches of Premier League clubs and the league regulator. According to Conte, it's just a waste of time because they don't find a middle ground.

The high number of COVID-19 cases in England has affected many players at the club. A meeting between coaches and league regulators was held to urge organizers to stop the competition for the safety of the players. But according to Conte it is impossible.

"I have to be honest, I think it was a meeting where we tried to talk and some coaches tried to talk and ask about solutions," Conte said.

"But I think everything has been decided so it's a waste of time. And I think yesterday was a wall, and for this reason too I don't want to get into the discussion." he insisted.

Conte then judged that the Premier League organizers had been too stubborn to be told that postponement of matches was not the main solution. The reason is, gradually the players and staff will actually be infected with COVID-19.

"I think so. Because when you have a wall in front of you you can ask and talk about what you want, but every decision has been made." said Conte.

For information, at the meeting, the Premier League finally published guidelines on the postponement of matches. The Premier League's own board made it clear they cannot make a subjective decision about which matches are postponed, as set out in the league's playbook.

Top-flight clubs agreed in September last year that permission would not be granted to postpone league matches, where teams have only 14 or more players registered in the available squad list.

In addition, the coaches also asked the organizers to be transparent about the reasons why some matches were canceled and others continued. From that meeting, the Premier League then agreed to publish guidelines to explain the protocol for postponing matches.

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