JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali called West Java a repository of outstanding athletes. This was conveyed by Zainudin during the socialization of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 86 of 2021 concerning the Great Design of National Sports (DBON).

On the occasion which took place in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday, November 16, the Minister of Youth and Sports emphasized that the achievements of the athletes were seen during the PON event in Papua.

"In the Papua PON event, West Java became the overall champion. This shows that West Java is able to foster long-term, consistent and sustainable athletes. From year to year we can see how good the coaching of athletes in West Java is," said the Minister of Youth and Sports as quoted from an official statement received by VOI.

According to the Minister of Youth and Sports, a number of outstanding athletes who have big names come from West Java. Call it Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, Windy Cantika Aisah, to Melanie Putri.

Seeing West Java's good record in hacking outstanding athletes, Menpora did not hesitate to give appreciation to the West Java Provincial Government.

Not only that, on the same occasion the Menpora also joked that West Java had a surplus of outstanding athletes. Because if you look at this year's PON event, there are a number of West Java athletes who actually play for other provinces.

“One of the sports during the UPP (winner honoring ceremony) that won gold, I asked where it came from. Then he (the athlete) whispered and conveyed that he was actually from West Java, but represented another province," said Menpora Amali

"Well, apparently he didn't pass the selection in West Java, but the champions in other regions fought and succeeded. It was as if he wanted to show that he was capable of that. This means that West Java has a surplus of athletes. I think the sports coaching carried out by West Java is extraordinary and evenly distributed," he continued.

For this good achievement, Menpora Amali gave his appreciation to the West Java Provincial Government. It is hoped that this achievement can be maintained, even improved.

In fact, Menpora Amali joked that West Java had a surplus of athletes. Because, there are some West Java athletes who excel in PON Papua but defend other provinces.

"One of the sports during the UPP (winner honoring ceremony) that won gold, I asked where it came from. Then he (the athlete) whispered and conveyed that he was actually from West Java, but represented another province," said Menpora Amali

"Well, apparently he didn't pass the selection in West Java, but the champions in other regions fought and succeeded. It was as if he wanted to show that he was capable of that. This means that West Java has a surplus of athletes. I think the sports coaching carried out by West Java is extraordinary and evenly distributed," continued Menpora Amali.

Looking at West Java's good record in producing outstanding athletes, the Minister of Youth and Sports said that this provision is one of the centers of ten regions that are included in the development of sports.

"That's why some of them are in the sports center at DBON. This is not without reason. West Java proves good athlete development. In fact, it is no longer one of them, but mainly in West Java,” added the Menpora.

DBON is a master plan document that contains the direction of national sports coaching and development policies. DBON also functions to provide guidelines for the central government to the public in the implementation of national sports.

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