JAKARTA - BAIC Indonesia continues to penetrate the market by expanding the presence of its dealer network in the country. Now, BAIC has inaugurated its 10th dealer who is present in Semarang, Central Java.
The presence of this dealer, especially in Central Java, makes it easier for consumers to reach BAIC products on the island of Java. And is part of the company's long-term strategy.
BAIC Indonesia Chief Operating Officer Dhani Yahya, said the company believes the presence of dealers in Semarang can provide added value for consumers and encourage sustainable business growth.
"The expansion of the dealer network in Semarang is part of BAIC's long-term strategy to continue to increase the market share in the Indonesian automotive market," he said in a statement, Wednesday, March 19.
At the same time, the Director of the BAC Siliwangi Dealer, Semarang Umar Dani, said that the opening of this dealer is a form of the company's commitment to provide the best service to the people of Semarang.
"We believe, with quality products and excellent after-sales services, BAIC will achieve success in the Semarang automotive market," said Umar.
Located on Jalan Siliwangi No.484 Kalibanteng Kulon, this dealer provides more than just a place for transactions, this dealer is the center of BAIC's experience. In 3S (Sales, Service, Share Parts) format, it is here to accompany every step of consumer travel in the Semarang area, Central Java, starting from choosing dream vehicles to purchasing sales.
There are also several facilities presented, such as bay service, including 2 bays with elevators, and supported by 6 experienced technicians to provide the best seller service for customers. In addition, there are two test drive units for prospective customers who want to experience the performance of BAIC vehicles firsthand.
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