JAKARTA - The daily mobility of vehicles is getting denser, making not a few road users, especially motorbikes, not understanding the importance of ethics in the use of horns.

Please note, horning itself is a communication tool through signaling sounds that other road users can understand. However, not a few motorcycle users press the horn lever easily which can ignite the emotions of many people.

In fact, stated in Government Regulation number 43 of 1993 concerning Infrastructure and Road Traffic in article 71, it has been explained that what is permissible and should not be done with vehicle horns. In Article 71 paragraphs 1 and 2 it is stated that warning signals with the sound of horns can be used if, it is necessary for traffic safety, passing through other motorized vehicles.

In addition, it is also stated in paragraph two which explains the warning signal as referred to in paragraph one about being prohibited from being used by the driver, where there are certain places that are declared with signs.

"Klaksone may still be considered trivial, but under certain conditions honking can cause problems on the highway. Moreover, many motorists modify their horns, so the ethics of using horns in today's era is very important," said Head of Safety Riding Promotion PT Wahana Makmur Sejati Agus Sani, in an official statement received, Monday, October 21.

Furthermore, he provides some ethics in the use of horns that can be done, so what?

In a traffic jam, the decision to honk the horn is not the right solution because it will only make the emotions of other motorists around. Drivers are expected to always be patient and calm every time they are on traffic jams.

It is not recommended to honk more than two and long horns because it can trigger noise and provoke the emotions of other motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are advised to honk the horn a maximum of two times.

When the traffic light has just turned green, it is recommended not to use horns because it will trigger the emotions of road users in front. Therefore, you should be patient and wait for the vehicle in front of you to walk.

The sound of horns can disturb patients in the hospital, especially if there are patients who are suffering from severe illness so that it will endanger the patient's safety.

"The safety of driving looking for safety is a form of our commitment and concrete evidence to always contribute to creating a generation that always prioritizes driving safety," he concluded.

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