JAKARTA - Motorcycles are one of the popular transportation options in Indonesia, not without reason because the use of motorbikes is relatively simple and efficient, especially to accompany daily routines.

However, not a few people don't really care about making choices when buying a new motorbike, as a result, it doesn't match the existing needs. For that, there are several things that must be considered before buying a motorbike, especially during an exhibition. So what?

Determine Producers

The first thing to note is that motorcycle manufacturers, where they have to make choices for trusted producers. To reduce worry, potential customers can check the reputation of built in quality products that have been marketed by these manufacturers.

Select Features As Needed

Next is the second thing to pay attention to, namely the feature on the bike. For example, for users with high mobilization it requires a motorbike with lots of compartments and a large space to store luggage. Nowadays many manufacturers are embedding features that make the vehicle more efficient, such as being equipped with Engine Auto Stop.

Design According To Taste

In addition to the two above, the third thing that is important to pay attention to is design according to taste. Like a special bike for adventure which usually has an aggressive design, besides that to accompany a routine, it usually looks for a more stylish design. In addition to design, motorcycle colors also attract different users. For example, users with cheerful or socializing personalities tend to inundate bright and brave colors such as orange or yellow. Meanwhile, people with a calm and stable personality tend to inundate elegant and calm colors such as gray, dark brown, blue, or black.

Aftersales Products

The fourth thing that is of concern is from the aftersales side. After buying a motorbike, don't be burdensome for finances. Pay attention to the extent to which motorcycle manufacturers guarantee free service and official spareparts prices are sold.

Adjust Budget

Finally or fifth, adjust to the budget or budget that has been prepared. Prospective customers usually have made financial planning so that they have reserve funds to buy a dream motorbike. However, if you plan to make a credit purchase, prospective customers need to study credit schemes and the amount of funds that must be prepared per month so as not to burden their daily main daily needs.

"On occasions like exhibitions, customers will be faced with various types of motorbikes. We encourage them to be wiser and pay attention to several aspects to suit their wishes," said 2W Sales & Marketing Dept Head of PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) Teuku Agha.

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