Getting To Know Thermostat Cars, Vital Components That Work Better Engine Temperatures
Car engine illustration (Photo: Pixabay-emkanicepic)

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may not know car thermostats. In fact, this component has a very important role, namely preventing car engines from overheating.

Well, this article will discuss in more detail what thermostat is, including its function and how it works. Come on, see the following reviews!

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, March 12, 2024, thermostat is a vital component of the car engine cooling system. The shape looks like a shell with a threaded part that circles it.

Generally, thermostat is golden in the long section, and has a silver color on the thread.

Thermostat consists of several components, including:

The main function of the car's thermostat is to control the flow of cooling fluid to the radiator to keep the engine temperature between 80-90 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, the engine produces maximum and efficient combustion in fuel use.

In carrying out its function, the thermostat will unlock its valve when the engine temperature rises above a certain limit. This condition allows the cooling fluid to flow to the radiator, so it can be conditioned to cool the engine.

On the other hand, if the engine temperature drops, thermostat will close the valve in order to maintain heat in the engine.

Although its role is vital, this component is often removed. Because it is deemed not very necessary.

It has been explained above that the main function of thermostat is to keep the engine temperature at an ideal point. The way the thermalestate works will follow the performance of other engine cooling components.

How thermostat works begins with a water pump component that pumps cooling water so that it can go to the engine, where water flows through the water jacket.

At this stage, water will flow around the engine to capture the hot temperature inside the engine. Next the water will come out through the hose and then the water will enter the top of the radiator.

During this stage, the engine temperature will decrease due to the cooling water in the radiator. The hot temperature that enters the radiator will be released through the radiator lattice so that it can be cooled by the fan behind the radiator.

The already down water temperature will be removed from the tube at the bottom of the radiator. Next, the water is pumped back towards the engine to keep the engine temperature at the ideal point. This process occurs repeatedly when the engine is working, especially when the engine is at its maximum temperature.

However, when the engine is in a cold condition, this rotating water will be covered by thermostat so that water circulation does not run through the radiator. Katup thermostat will open at temperatures 80-90 degrees Celsius to provide a way to cool water in order to lower the engine temperature.

That's information about car thermostats. Hopefully this article can get VOI.ID readers to know car thermostats more deeply.

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