YOGYAKARTA Manual transmission car users are certainly familiar with the term semi-coupling technique. This technique is usually applied when driving at low speeds, such as when passing a steep road. The goal is that the car can be controlled more easily and smoothly. But unfortunately this habit can shorten the age of the coupling component.
Well, in this article, the effect of often using half-coupling techniques in manual cars will be discussed in more detail. Let's look at the following reviews.
Please note, the half-coupling technique is driving on a manual transmission car where the driver steps on the coupling pedal for only half (not to knock).
This technique functions to stop the car when it is in a climbing position without having to hit the brakes.
However, this technique should not be done too often because it can waste fuel.
In addition, the frequent use of half-coupling techniques can also make the coupling campaign rapid due to friction that occurs between the cluster disc components.
Kampas kontas yang sudah aus dapat membuat mobil seperti kehilangan tenaga. Misalnya, ketika berkendar di jalan yang naik, mobil tidak kuat melewati tanjakan tersebut ketika pengendara sudah menjalank pedal gas dengan dalam.
Another effect, there was a loud sound on the car engine and a smell of fire from inside the cabin. This smell comes from the coupling of a car that was scorched due to too high friction in the coupling camp.
Although it can damage the coupling component, this half-coupling technique can actually still be done. Provided, the use is appropriate and carried out under certain conditions, such as when going through a climb.
So that the components of the coupling in the car last longer and last longer, here are some things you can do:
This information about the effect often uses half-coupling techniques in manual cars. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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