YOGYAKARTA Air Conditioner (AC) on the car is a cooling system embedded in the cabin to support comfort while driving. However, there are still many of us who do not know the components of the car air conditioner and how it works.

For those of you who want to know what the main components are in the car's air conditioner and how it works, let's look at the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, February 25, 2024, here are some of the main components in the car air conditioner and how it works.

1. Compressor

The AC compressor of the car is a component that functions to compress or compress the reflecterant in the air conditioning system so that it can produce and maintain cold air circulation in the vehicle.

The way the car's AC compressor works is to convert a low-pressure gas into a high-pressure gas through a compressor process. The high-pressure gas then passes through the condensor and condenses until it turns into a liquid.

After passing through the condensor, the liquid is channeled to the valve expansion through a receiver dryer that functions to filter the impurity. After that, the pressurized liquid is converted back into a gas whose temperature is lowered to make it colder.

Furthermore, the gas whose temperature is lowered is channeled to the evalorator, where with the help of a blower, cold air will be channeled to the car cabin. The cold gas will be reabsorbed by the compressor and the air conditioner's freon circulation system will continue to run.

2. Condensor

The AC Car condensor is a component that functions to move heat from in-fraon to free air.

The way the AC condensor of the car works is very simple, namely converting freon vapor into cooling water by changing the pressure and temperature that exists.

Initially, the frequency pumped compressor on the cooling system and flowed towards the condensor in the form of a high-pressure gas. Next, the fan motor will work and the resulting wind will help lower the pressure and temperature of the freon. This process allows gas changes to liquid.

3. Evaporator

Evaporator AC car is a component that functions to remove cool air in the cabin.

Evaporator will absorb the heat and turn it into cold air.

How the car air conditioning excavator works follows how the freon works in a car cabin cooling system. Cold-temperature Freons will be channeled into the core which also has conductor fins.

The cold temperature will flow evenly to all fin surfaces, because it is a conductor, so when there is air exhaled past the evaporator's fin, the air temperature will drop.

In this situation, there is a process of moving heat from free air into the freon. So that the air that has blown past the evaporator's fin has cold temperatures.

4. Dryer

The car's air conditioner is a component that functions to filter and dry the refrigerator before entering the next components.

Dryer filterers work with several stages to carry out their functions. The stages are as follows:

5. Expansion Valve

This air conditioner component of the car functions to channel the freon to be emitted on the evaporator. In addition, the valve expansion is also assigned to cool the freon temperature, regulate the number of freons that are channeled to the evaporator, and lower the freon pressure.

How the AC car expansion valve works stems from the freon flowing on the receiver dryer to the component. Next, heat sensing tube will detect the heat from the freon coming out through the evaporator outlet channel.

The press received by heat sensing tube is then channeled by a capillary pipe to the membrane in the valve expansion. This membrane will curl and push the needle against the spring to open the expansion valve based on the pressure from the heat channeled.

If the expansion valve opens in wide conditions, it can channel the freon in large quantities. However, if this expansion valve is only slightly open, then the distributed freon will be limited. The size of this distributed pheon depends on the AC load.

That's the information about the car's air conditioner component and how it works. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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