JAKARTA - Alva, an electric motorcycle brand from Indonesia, has again announced its achievements in the Indonesian automotive industry. The brand, which is under the auspices of PT Ilectra Motor Group, has won ISO 9001: 2015 certification for Quality Management and ISO 14001: 2015 for Environmental Management at its assembly site.

ISO 9001 certification is an international quality management standard that applies basic principles to effective quality management systems, while ISO 14001 is an environmental management standard that focuses on sustainable practices and environmental protection.

The certification achievement process includes a thorough evaluation of every aspect of factory operations, the development of several standard procedures, as well as the implementation of the best practices and the environment.

Alva has an electric motor assembly site located in the Delta Silicon 6, Cikarang area, which started operations in November 2022. It is hoped that this achievement can increase public confidence in the quality and quality of Alva products.

"This is a reflection of our commitment to provide high-quality products that are ready to compete globally to users, taking into account environmental impacts," said Purbaja Pantja, President Director of PT Ilectra Motor Group, in a statement received by VOI, Friday, February 2.

The two certifications achieved by Alva were issued by the official and accredited product certification agency, PT TUV Rheinland. The company, centered in the German Cologne, which has been operating for more than 150 years, is one of the leading providers of testing, inspection and certification services in the world.

This brand has the passion to present a sustainable ecosystem from vehicle production to the products they offer. Currently, Alva has launched two models, namely Cervo and One.

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