YOGYAKARTA - Relay is an important component in cars that are found in lights and electrical systems. Car relays generally consist of two parts, namely points and coils. Car owners need to know the function of the relay on car lights and their types.

For those of you who often install or change car lights, you must know the term relay. This relay component is often noticed when the head lamp or main light looks dim. One of the uses of the relay is to make the headlamp of the car brighter.

Installation of car relays must be carried out with precision and appropriately in order to provide a maximum lighting system. It is important for car owners to know the function of the relay on car lights.

The relay on the car lights is used to drain the electricity from the main switch to other electric components, such as headlamps and horns. In addition, the relay also functions to control electricity in the car so that the voltages incurred are appropriate and not excessive.

The relay of the car has a section consisting of four sockets with different functions. The four sockets in this relay have their respective numbers, namely 30, 85, 86, 87. Socket 85 and 86 function as electromagnetic parts. While the 31st 30 and 87 serve as point contacts.

Here are some of the functions of the relay on car lights that four-wheeled vehicle owners need to understand:

One of the functions of relaying on car lights is to keep the switch durable. The car's electricity system has a fairly large electricity. The existence of the relay will hold high electricity so it doesn't go directly through the switch. That way the switch will have a longer life period or not easily damaged due to high voltage.

Relay acts as an electromagnetic switch or switch controlled by an electric magnet. The attachment to the relay will result in a magnetic force if it is streamlined by electricity through solids of 85 and 86.

Another function of the car light relay is as the safety of the main switch. Relay will cut off the electricity if there is a short circuit at any time. In addition, the relay will also withstand the fire when there is an excess of electricity load or electricity that is too high. With the relay, the switch will not be easily damaged because it is held by the relay.

The light relay in the car also functions to save on power usage. The existence of relays plays a role in making components that require electricity not suck up a lot of power. Components in question include air conditioning, horns, and headlamps.

It can be said that the relay is a stabilizer for the electric component found in the car. With the relay, the electric component can be more stable and does not need to use excessive force and become more efficient.

The light relay on the car is also useful for making the lights brighter. The addition of relays to the car will increase the power of the electric current, so that the lights can emit brighter light than when you don't use a relay.

Relay also functions to minimize barriers to the switch current. Sometimes the car can experience electrical current barriers that will affect the performance of the electromagnetic component. If this condition occurs, the car lights cannot turn on more clearly. In addition, these obstacles also make the horn sound less loud.

With the use of relays, it can help minimize the risk of electrical flow barriers. Installation of relays will shorten the series and make electricity less. Electric flow can be streamed maximally to a number of components such as air conditioning, horns, and lights.

Those are some of the functions of relaying on car lights that you need to understand. The existence of relays has many uses, especially in lighting, electricity, and power use. Also read the trend of car modification in 2024.

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