YOGYAKARTA Drivers are advised to find out what is a hyperpnosis highway, which is one of the risks experienced by vehicle drivers, especially cars when traveling long distances, for example during holidays or when they return home. This risk has the potential to bring vehicle drivers in quite dangerous conditions.

This article will try to explain the definition ofhighway hypnosis, both in terms of understanding, causes, and how to overcome it.

Highway hyponosis is a term that refers to a condition when a driver feels hypnotized while driving on a long-distance straight track without a hitch like on the toll. At that time, the driver's brain would enter the "auto-pilot" model.

Causes of thehighway phenomenon of hypnosis itself vary, but in general it occurs because of the boring driving situation, for example, drivers drive vehicles constantly for a long duration, or drivers often cross certain trajectories.

When that happens the driver will feel bored, sleepy, and tired. Even the driver will experience microsleep or lose consciousness quickly.

Highway hyponosis can trigger actions that lead drivers to dangerous conditions. Some of the possible effects are as follows.

Drivers have great potential to lose reflectance. For example, when driving the driver's vehicle, it will respond to the incident slowly even though the incident must be responded to quickly. For example, the driver cannot reflect when an obstacle suddenly appears in front of the vehicle.

When going through the same track repeatedly, the driver will feel bored to trigger careless actions, such as removing his hands from the steering wheel because he feels he has controlled the road. The driver must know the position of the hand while driving the car.

Drivers also have great potential to experience microsleep. This condition is very dangerous not only for yourself and passengers but endangers other road users. Drivers are also advised to recognize sleepy signs when driving a vehicle.

The boredom caused by the higher-hypnosis effect makes the driver lose concentration. Because the driver will try to do other activities or think about something to relieve boredom. At that time the concentration of driving will disappear.

Highway hyponosis triggers domino effects that have the potential to trigger accidents. Therefore it is advisable to stay focused and drive safely and comfortably.

Although a highway for hyponosis occurs unconsciously, drivers can do various things to prevent this condition from happening. Do this prevention before or while driving long distances with long durations.

Drivers must rest well and have quality before traveling long distances. Avoid staying up late or sleeping too late. Rest is enough to make it easier for drivers to stay focused while driving a car. Drivers also have to rest 2 or 3 hours once if the duration of driving is done for quite a long time.

It is recommended to arrange the driving schedule appropriately. Avoid leaving in sleepy hours. Choose good hours to drive like morning or during the day.

Setting the steering seat is very important to do. Try not to set a position that is too prone or too straight. Both will have an impact on the level of comfort of driving.

Driver's body fluids must also be sufficient so that you try to consume regular water. Body conditions that lack fluids will trigger dizziness or weakness so that it can increase the risk of accidents occurring.

Music helps you stay entertained so that the driver is not stressed or bored. Even so, avoid tuning music very fast because it will trigger the driver to lose concentration. Drivers are also advised to know how to get rid of sleepiness when you are sick.

That's information regarding what hyperpnosis is. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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