YOGYAKARTA Every motorist must have encountered a yellow and white road markings. These two kinds of road markings are usually used for spanning markings consisting of whole lines, disconnected lines, double lines (complete lines and break lines, and double lines (two whole lines). So, what are the difference between yellow and white road markings? Check out the full information below.

Different yellow and white road markings can be known through the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) Number PM 67 of 2018 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 34 of 2014 concerning Road Marka.

In Article 16 paragraph (20) of the Permenhub, the yellow road markings are a sign for national roads. While the white road markings are a sign for roads other than national roads.

For information, national roads are roads that connect between provincial capitals.

National road status is also given to national strategic roads and toll roads. That's why the toll road markings are painted in yellow.

The government agencies that have the authority to national roads are the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). This means that the construction, management, and maintenance of roads that have yellow colors are under the central government or rather the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR.

National roads are usually characterized by a K1 code. In plain view, the national road can be recognized in two ways.

First, through a road pointing board installed on the road which includes the status of the road.

Second, by recognizing the color of the road markings. The yellow and white colors on the road markings only show the national road status or not.

Broadly speaking, road markings are divided into four types, namely longitude line markings, sectional markings, emblems, and transverse line markings. The full explanation is as follows:

1. Marka line stratified

The line Marka is a marker whose position is parallel to the road axis. This type of markings is divided into three categories, including:

2. Marka serong

This road marker serves to inform motorists that the road area is not a vehicle traffic lane.

3. Symbol Marka

The function of this mark is to emphasize warnings, orders and prohibitions from other traffic signs. This type of markings is usually in the form of arrows, pictures, triangles or writing.

4. Cross-line Marka

Cross-line markings are road markings that are perpendicular to the axis of the road. This Marka serves to warn drivers to stop or reduce speed.

The transverse line Marka is classified into two categories, namely:

This is information about the different markings of yellow and white roads and their types. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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