YOGYAKARTA - The car community often convoys on the touring agenda or travel with their colleagues. This car convoy looks busy and exciting, but without realizing it they often disturb comfort and endanger other road users. Keep in mind that there are car convoy rules that need to be obeyed.

Car convoys often want to get priority on the road and prioritize the interests of their group, thus ignoring other motorists. Like the rulers or road owners, several convoy groups acted carelessly and violated driving rules.

There are still many convoy groups that violate traffic rules, such as exceeding the speed limit and running red lights. As a good driver or driver, you need to know the rules of the convoy of cars so as not to disturb other road users.

Car convoys are actually allowed to be carried out in an orderly manner and do not violate the rules. However, members of the car convoy must also know the driving rules so as not to interfere with traffic control and for the sake of driving safety.

Here are some rules for a convoy of cars that you need to know before touring:

Until now, there are still many car drivers who are misguided when they are in a convoy, considering having to turn on the hazard lights. Even though there are provisions that regulate car convoy members are prohibited from turning on the hazard lights.

Hazard lights should not be turned on and are not needed during a convoy of cars because they can disturb other motorists. The use of hazard lights is only intended for emergency vehicles. This is regulated in Law no. 22 of 2009 Article 121 paragraph 1 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation which states:

Every vehicle driver is required to put up a safety triangle, warning lights, and other signals if he stops or parks in an emergency on the road.

The meaning of other conditions in the regulation is the use of emergency lights and flashlights. While the term emergency situation' refers to vehicles in a state of strike, experiencing traffic accidents, or changing car tires.

The use of sein lights during the convoy must also be carried out based on the rules in Law Number 22 of 2009. Drivers can turn on the sein if they are 30 meters before the vehicle maneuvers according to their intended direction, such as turning, overtaking, or changing lanes.

The convoy or a group of car convoys that are often found on the road, usually consists of 5 to more than 10 cars. Whereas ideally the car convoy only consists of 5-7 cars. convoy activities may be carried out as long as there are no more than 10 cars.

If the convoy of cars exceeds that number, it is advisable to share it per group. The purpose of this convoy group distribution is so that the group does not go too long and disrupts traffic roads. Each convoy group is led by one leader or coordinator who is responsible for the group convoy during the tour.

In addition, members of the car convoy also need to know the interval distance of each group. The interval distance rules for the group's convoy group are every 10 minutes. If the vanguard members meet or are close to the group's last car, then the back group will need to stop first.

The rules for the speed limit and distance are safe to drive contained in Article 21 paragraph (1) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Each road has the highest speed limit set nationally.

Article 3 paragraph (4) of Permenhub 111/2015 stipulates the following speed limit rules:

Meanwhile, in the safe distance between cars when the convoy is at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, which is at least 60 meters. Meanwhile, at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, the safe distance between cars is 120 meters.

All road users have the same rights in driving or driving a car. Unless it is based on applicable laws and regulations, not everyone is a road user who has the right to be prioritized. Even in the convoy lineup, every driver must still respect the rights of other road users.

Vehicles that get priority on the road have been regulated in PP Number 43 of 1993 concerning Infrastructure and Road Traffic. Article 65 Paragraph 1 in the regulation states that there are seven road users who can get priority and get police escort.

The following is a list of road users who can be given priority road use:

Those are the rules for the convoy of cars that need to be understood by the car community or drivers who often carry out touring activities. Members of the car convoy are not priority road users, so they still have to comply with the rules and respect the rights of other road users. Also read tips for taking care of cars during the rainy season.

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