YOGYAKARTA - One of the symptoms is damaged in the transmission section that can usually be felt by every vehicle owner. Symptoms of car transmission damage are also quite easy to identify, like what? Check out the review below.

The reason is, many car owners do not realize that their car transmission is damaged, even the symptoms do not know. Wow! Worse, they only realized when the transmission was damaged, so the vehicle could no longer run.

Transmission is an important component in distributing power to the wheel of the vehicle. If the transmission is damaged, it can be ascertained that the car cannot be run even if the engine is on.

This must be a concern for all car owners without exception. If it is silenced, it will definitely harm you in the future. There are 2 losses, time losses because you have to bring the car to the repair shop and material losses because the repairs are quite expensive. Here we explain some symptoms of transmission damage to cars that generally occur.

1. Difficult to Change Teeth

The first sign of damage to car transmission is that it is difficult to change teeth. Transmissions that have started to have problems will generally find it difficult to move teeth when walking, be it manual or automatic.

In a manual car, the problem could occur in the coupling area, the opposite in an automatic car the problem could be more complex. In a certain speed automatic car, transmission will feel slow to change teeth.

Supposedly at IDR 3,000 and above it has changed its teeth, this even remains in the position of 2 teeth so that the car engine feels clumpy. If you feel this kind of symptom, it's a good idea to take it to the workshop quickly to check.

2. There is a leak

The next indication of car transmission damage is leakage in the transmission zone. This leak can be seen under the car which on average comes from the oil tub.

The leak of transmission oil can be caused by seals that have been splashed. You have to be suspicious if after parking there is liquid on the floor. This oil liquid that is ambassadored if kept in the long term will be quite dangerous for transmission, you know.

This makes the components in the transmission not lubricated, because the oil gradually decreases its capacity. Components in the transmission are such as slow-to-light coupling plates that become hot and cause trouble. Therefore, it is very important to check the volume of transmission oil so that it does not decrease in the slightest through the dipstick provided by the manufacturer.

3. Late Response

The transmission of cars that are starting to have problems generally raises indications of a fairly late response. Have you ever felt when you entered position D but the car didn't move? Now this is one of the characteristics of car transmission starting to have problems.

If you have felt this kind of late response, you must be aware of the transmission of your favorite car at home. There is a possibility that the components in the transmission have started to cause damage so that they do not work normally and optimally. If it is like this, immediately check the components of the car transmission.

4. Denging voice

While driving, instantly there was a loud sound. Every day the echoing sounds continue to become loud and disturbing. When you hear this kind of buzz, this could be one of the signs of damage to car transmission.

This stagnation can come from the internal components of car transmission that lack lubricants while working. The presence of the echoing sound was caused by the impact of the component due to the lack of lubrication due to the leakage of transmission oil.

In automatic cars, it generally comes from a component called a converter that lacks lubricant. Therefore, it is very useful to maintain the volume of transmission oil so that there is no reduction at all during use.

5. Burnt Smell

Signs of damage to other car transmissions can also lead to odors. Well, how come? Basically, other roles of transmission oil are not only to lubricate, it can also protect the temperature of the transmission component so that it is always cold.

Moreover, some types of cars have a transmission cooling route that is shown to the radiator so that transmission is not overheated or overheated. Usually the smell of fire is caused by the hot transmission oil. The reason is also various from the lack of transmission oil to transmission oil which is getting dirty.

You also got the smell of this smell coming from the coupling plate and other internal transmission components that caught fire. If you smell the smell of death, you have to be suspicious.

6. Check Engine Nyala

While driving, the eh check engine on the cluster instrument is on. This can be an indication of damage to car transmission, you know. The engine check light on modern cars plays a role in identifying the presence of component malfunctions.

If it turns on like this, it's better not to let it go and quickly check with the repair shop. In the current model car, the presence of damage can be seen using a scanner. This scanner can read various kinds of malfunctions that take place.

Especially when there is damage at transmission, it can also be known when carrying out a computer scan. Because all components in modern cars have used sensors that are directly connected to the ECU.

7. Vibration

Signs or symptoms of damage to other car transmissions are cars that feel more shaking than usual. Meanwhile, the car usually remains calm on even smooth roads.

Generally, this indication can be experienced when the car passes through the lane with a fairly sharp uphill contour. This kind of problem can be caused by several things such as low RPM until the transmission performance begins to shrink.

For this reason, carry out routine checks to find the cause of problems from your favorite car so that it can be repaired as soon as possible.

8. Slip

Indications of damage to other car transmissions can also slip. In fact, when driving, transmission will always be in a position that has been determined by the driver and the computer will automatically move teeth at certain RPMs.

In some problems, it is often found that dental cases slip. For example, from D's position, immediately moving to N without a transmission lever, it is moved. Or it can also be comfortable driving in 2nd gear, D's position immediately drops to 1's teeth which causes the car to become similar to the engine brake.

If you often experience this kind of thing, it could be that the damage to car transmission is quite worrying. Moreover, over time it can cause problems so that drivers lose control and have the potential to cause accidents.

9. Feels like a stop

Symptoms of others can also have symptoms in the form of fragrances. When moving the automatic transmission lever from P to D, there should be no smell. If when moving the lever there is a smell, this could be an indication of transmission damage to the automatic car.

This stop felt diverse, ranging from light to a bit surprising. It is appropriate when changing teeth from P to D or from D to R there will be no confusion at all in the car. This stop sometimes creates discomfort and anxiety for the car owner himself.

We have also written "When to Change Transmission Oli" so that you are more thorough in guarding the car.

So after knowing the symptoms of car transmission damage, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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