YOGYAKARTA - Although the government has disbursed Rp7 million in electricity motorcycle subsidies, so far not many people have used it. Even the easier conditions have not been able to attract public interest in buying electric motorcycles. So why is the subsidy of electric motorcycles empty of interest?

Saifuddin Wijaya, Commercial Director, PT Surveyor Indonesia, revealed that the electricity motor subsidy has only been absorbed for around 8 thousand units. Even though the government has set a target to purchase electric vehicles in 2023, it can reach 200 thousand units.

The sales figure of electric vehicles is still far from the target expected by the government. Why is the subsidy of electric motorcycles empty of enthusiasts also an interesting phenomenon to collect.

Based on data from the SISAPIRA website (two-wheeled motor vehicle purchase assistance information system), only 4,148 electric motor subsidies have been distributed. Meanwhile, the subsidy quota provided by the government remains at 195,852 units.

Saifuddin Wijaya said that in the early days of the electric motor subsidy, the program had no significant impact on the sale of new electric motors. Around last August, the absorption of electric motors was still low. This condition is due to the conditions imposed for subsidy recipients to be too strict.

"So at first there were 4 requirements, that's what was considered possible to be low absorption. But then the revised rules of the game were only based on ID cards, the NIK was matched with the dukcapil, what someone couldn't take 2 motorbikes with the same NIK," said Saifuddin at Graha Surveyor Indonesia, on Tuesday (14/11).

However, after reviewing, the government then revised the rules for receiving electric motorcycle subsidies. The requirements for recipients to be easier, namely only based on ID cards matched to Dukcapil data. After the provisions are simplified, there is an increase in the absorption of electric motors.

However, the number of purchases of electric motorcycles is still far from the 2023 target of 200 thousand units. Meanwhile, based on the latest information, PT Surveyor Indonesia noted that there were already 7,000-8,000 applicants for the electric motor subsidy program.

Moeldoko, the Presidential Chief of Staff, also responded to the phenomenon of the lack of interest in electric motor subsidies. Moeldoko also considered that this condition was quite strange when the government had made it easier to purchase electric motorcycles. According to him, one of the reasons for the lack of interest is because the electric motorcycle ecosystem has not yet been built massively or perfectly.

Although as far as the utilization of electric motor subsidies has not been optimal, Moeldoko stated that this program will continue until next year. The quota for the electricity motor subsidy provided has tripled, which is 600 thousand units. However, it is not certain whether the remaining quota this year will be added to next year or how.

The government has expanded the requirements for subsidies to purchase electric motors to encourage public interest. In the previous regulation, there were requirements for subsidy recipients to be recipients of people's business credit, wage subsidies, productive assistance for micro-enterprises, and recipients of electricity subsidies of up to 900 volt ampere.

The government then revised the rules and conditions for receiving electric motorcycle subsidies. The government relaxed the requirements for receiving electric motorcycle subsidies in Permenperin Number 21 of 2023. In this new regulation, the requirements are quite simple, namely: Indonesian citizens aged 17 years, have electronic ID cards, and one NIK for only one subsidized electric motor unit.

In addition, the government is also implementing a new strategy to increase the purchase of electric motorcycles. Reportedly, the government will increase the amount of subsidies to IDR 10 million per motorbike.

That's a review of why electric motorcycle subsidies are empty of enthusiasts. The possible cause of the low interest in electric motorcycle buyers is because the public still doesn't understand and gets clearer information about the advantages and features of electric motors. Now there are 38 subsidized electric motor models that can be purchased by the public.

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