YOGYAKARTA Engine brake is a technique of slowing the speed of vehicles by utilizing machine spins when transmission is lowered to lower teeth. This technique can make the brakes performance less heavy and the speed of vehicles can be slowed down. Well, in this article, we will discuss how to use an automatic car engine brake. Read it out until it runs out, yes!

Summarized from various sources, the way to use an automatic car engine brake is different from manual transmission. In a manual car, the driver only needs to lower his teeth while removing his feet from the gas pedal.

When using this technique, tooth loss must be done in stages and according to dental order. For example, from 4th gear, engine brake is done by lowering to 3rd, then to 2nd gear.

Meanwhile, in automatic cars, how to use engine brake must be adjusted to the type of transmission.

In automatic cars with conventional transmission, the way to use engine brake is done by lowering teeth from the position of D to 2. Or you can also do it by squeezing the Over Driver (OD) button.

When moving car teeth from D to 2, the speed of the car will slow down. If you think it's still lacking, the braking can be continued to L's teeth but make sure to do it gradually starting from D to 2 then to L.

Likewise, by slowing down the vehicle by squeezing the OD button. This button functions to move transmission to low teeth so that engine brakes can still be done.

When activated, the OD will give orders to contain transmission at a lower position. However, if the driver wants to go back to normal, just turn off the OD function.

Meanwhile, in automatic cars that already use CVT (Continuous Variable Transmission) transmission, engine brakes are carried out by playing a middle shift whose lever is behind the wheel to make dental movements.

How it works is the same as lowering teeth gradually. However, make sure to do engine brake only when you need it.

When doing an engine brake, don't forget to step on the brakes so that the slowdown in vehicle speed is more optimal.

When Should You Use Engine Brake?

Engineering slows down vehicles by utilizing machine spins should be done under certain conditions, such as when passing down quite extreme and long downhill roads.

By doing engine brake, the brake work will be lighter. Drivers simply release the gas and lower their teeth to a lower position. With this technique, the speed of the vehicle will slow down because the engine also brakes when the engine rotates automatically according to the position of the teeth.

The reason the engine brake is only used under certain conditions is to maintain the condition and density of the engine components.

The component of the engine that is most prone to damage is the gear ratio. If you use the engine brake too often, especially if it is done extremally, the gear ratio can run out quickly or even fall out.

That's the information on how to use automatic car engine brakes. Hopefully this article can add insight to VOI.ID readers.

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