YOGYAKARTA Driving or driving activities require a lot of energy. Especially if you drive remotely. Therefore, it is important to take the ideal rest time for the driver when driving for hours.

This is to avoid accidents due to fatigue after driving for hours.

Please note, according to the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC), about 80 percent of traffic accidents are caused by fatigue.

According to Article 90 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Highway Transportation, the maximum time for driving in a day is 12 hours and a break of at least 60 minutes every four hours.

The following is Article 90 of Law Number 22/2009:

Paragraph (1) reads: Every General Transportation Company must comply with and impose provisions regarding working time, rest time, and changes to Drivers of General Motorized Vehicles in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Paragraph (2) reads: Working time for Drivers of Public Motor Vehicles as referred to in paragraph (1) is no later than 8 (eight) hours a day.

Paragraph (3) reads: Drivers of Public Motor Vehicles after driving Vehicles for 4 (four) consecutive hours are required to rest for a minimum of half an hour.

Paragraph (4) reads: In certain ways the driver can be employed a maximum of 12 (twelve) hours a day including a break for 1 (one) hour.

This regulation regulates drivers of public motorized vehicles, but can also be applied to private vehicle drivers.

In this regulation, it can be concluded that the maximum driving time is eight hours a day. Then every four hours you are required to take a break of at least 30 minutes.

Drivers driving for 12 hours a day have to take 60 minutes of rest every four hours.

Meanwhile, Jakarta Protective Driving Consulting said drivers must understand their own physical condition before driving long distances.

This affects the assessment of how long the driver can concentrate fully during the trip.

"Talking about the body's biological clock, it has resilience. That's why driving is recommended no later than eight hours a day," said Jusri, referred to by CNN Indonesia, Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

In addition, Jusri also asked the drivers to restore their body condition while taking time off.

This is more important than relying on supplements, energy drinks, or coffee to be strong driving without stopping.

Jusri said such food or drink only gives the driver a feeling of fit outside, but not inside the driver's body.

"Yes, rest, sleep so that it takes only 15 minutes. Don't drink energy. It's to pump your heart so you don't feel sleepy, even though your body is tired. Even if you drink coffee, don't overdo it, just one glass before starting the trip," suggested Jusri.

That's the information about the ideal rest time for the driver. Remember, always take 30 minutes of rest every four hours if you drive for 8 hours a day and rest for 60 minutes every four hours if you drive for 12 hours a day.

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