Homecoming on a motorbike is an option for many people when celebrating important moments such as Eid al-Fitr. But going home with a motorbike like an appeal from the government is a real threat that can result in mental losses, serious injuries, and other negative impacts.

It is important to realize these risks and take appropriate preventive measures to maintain safety and family when going home on a motorbike.

One of the dangers of going home with a motorbike is the risk of an accident. Traffic is congested, road conditions are not always good, unfriendly weather, and increasing the volume of vehicles during the period of going home can increase the risk of accidents. In addition, long-distance travel with motorbikes can also cause physical fatigue and decreased concentration, increasing the risk of accidents.

Therefore, it is important for us to understand and reduce the risk of going home with motorbikes. Some steps can be taken, among others:

By taking appropriate precautions and increasing awareness of the dangers of going home on a motorbike, it can at least reduce the risk of accidents and other impacts.

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