COVID-19 is rampant, and now mysterious acute hepatitis appears. WHO since April 15, 2022, has declared acute hepatitis as an extraordinary event. The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) noted that this disease had spread to 12 countries and there were 170 cases. This means that it should not be taken lightly. There must be serious attention.

Moreover, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) noted that in Indonesia, patients indicated that they had acute hepatitis. In fact, there are 3 people who died indicated this disease. The government has also designated Sulianti Saroso Hospital as a referral hospital.

So what is acute hepatitis? As published by VOI, acute hepatitis is mysterious, including a new type of disease. According to the President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso Jakarta, Mohammad Syahril, there are several symptoms, including yellow discoloration around the eyes and body and loss of consciousness. This is a marker of severe symptoms experienced by patients with mysterious acute hepatitis infections.

Meanwhile, Gastrohepatology Consultant Pediatrician at Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Hospital, Jakarta, Hanifah Oswari at VOI.ID, said that the specific initial symptoms included diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

If the symptoms continue, according to him, the patient will experience blood clotting disorders and decreased consciousness. In the worst cases, the medical team will need to perform a liver transplant to prevent death.

According to doctor Hanifah, this mysterious acute hepatitis disease attacks children under 16 years old and more under 5 years old.

The government acted quickly. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy encouraged massive efforts to track acute hepatitis with severe symptoms in every region. The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture hopes that there will be certain about the spread of cases.

This step is taken so that this disease does not spread everywhere and various efforts can be made for early prevention. This is understandable. The reason is, during the Eid holidays and millions of people go home, the risk of spreading becomes very large.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia also conducts cross-sectoral epidemiological investigations (surveillance) to anticipate acute hepatitis of unknown aetiologist.

The government has also issued circulars addressed to health care facilities, local governments, port health offices (KKP), and stakeholders, to provide support and early alertness to the discovery of cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause.

This effort should be appreciated. Of course, people still remember the beginning of the emergence of COVID-19. When this disease spreads in various countries, the competent authorities in the country are actually relaxed. They even tend to make it easy with various statements whose digital footprints can still be traced. That is, do not let a similar incident happen again. Early anticipation is very necessary. Don't let your guard down. At a minimum, socialization in the community must be carried out immediately. Because various information about this disease has spread through social media in the community. Including hoax news. One of them is that acute hepatitis is associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The news has been officially denied by the Ministry of Health.

Until now, acute hepatitis is still being investigated by the relevant authorities. However, there is nothing wrong with following the advice conveyed by the General Chairperson of the Central Board of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (PP IDAI) Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, SpA(K) who appealed to the public to remain calm and careful. To prevent infection with this disease, is done by washing hands, drinking clean boiled water, eating clean and cooked food, disposing of feces or disposable diapers in place, using personal eating utensils, wearing masks, and keeping a distance.

People like it or not, they have to strictly adhere to health protocols. In addition to preventing the sloping COVID-19 from rising again after the Eid holiday, at least anticipating acute hepatitis.

In addition to the above preventive measures, the government through the relevant agencies, once again must not be careless. Should immediately take concrete steps if in the field found a patient with symptoms indicating acute hepatitis. Don't let this disease spread. Bad steps when the new COVID-19 pandemic emerged should be an important note. Don't let it happen again. Be Alert.

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