JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has proven his commitment to internal reform of the National Police by removing seven police officers from several regions.

The removal of the seven police officers was stated in the telegram number ST/2279/X/KEP./2021 as of October 31, 2021, signed by the US National Police HR Inspector General Wahyu Widada on behalf of the National Police Chief.

Launching Antara, Tuesday, November 2 in the morning, the seven police officers, namely Kombes Franciscus X Tarigan, Dirpolairud Polda Sulbar to Pamen Yanma Polri Kombes Pol Franciscus X. Tarigan, Dirpolairud Polda Sulbar to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

Second, AKBP Deni Kurniawan, Head of Resort Police of Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra Police, to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions). Then, AKBP Dedi Nur Andriansyah, the Head of the Pasaman Police of the West Sumatra Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate the position).

Fourth, AKBP Agus Sugiyarso, Head of the Tebing Tinggi Police, North Sumatra Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions). Fifth, AKBP Jimmy Tana, Chief of the Nganjuk Police of the East Java Regional Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

Then the sixth, AKBP Saiful Anwar, Head of the Nunukan Polda Kaltara Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions). And the seventh, AKBP Irwan Sunuddin, North Luwu Police Chief, South Sulawesi Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the National Police Chief showed his commitment to making internal improvements to the Police so that they are more loved and become what the community expects.

"Yes, of course, this is according to the commitment and statement of the National Police Chief, regarding 'rotten fish starts from the head', if the leader has problems then his subordinates will have problems as well as the spirit of the Precision concept," said Argo.

According to Argo, the National Police Chief's commitment is aimed at improving the National Police even further.

"It's clear to make changes and improvements to get to a much better Polri," said Argo, who was promoted as the National Police Aslog.

With this decision, Argo emphasized that all Polri personnel must be able to have a leadership spirit that protects and serves the community and members very well and becomes a priority.

Argo hopes that this commitment will serve as a deterrent effect for any police personnel who violate the rules.

"Be a leader who is exemplary, wise, understanding, willing to listen, not easily emotional, and respecting each other. That way, the Police in the future will gain more trust in the community," said Argo.

Previously, at the closing ceremony of the 30th Sespimti Polri Dikreg education, 61st Dikreg Polri Sespimen, and 66th Sespimma Polri, Wednesday, October 27, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo mentioned leadership.

In his direction, Sigit quoted the proverb, 'rotten fish starts from the head'. Or in other words, all internal problems in the police can occur because the leadership has problems or is unable to be an example for its staff.

"There is a saying, rotten fish starts from the head, if the leader has problems, the subordinates will have problems too," said Sigit.

According to the National Police Chief, leaders must be role models, so that their subordinates will follow the example. Because a leader is impossible to follow if you don't start well.

"It is impossible for a leader to reprimand if he is not an example, he must start from the leader or himself. This is what I hope colleagues will be able to understand. What is carried out with sincerity will be the fruit of sincerity. Please implement this, not just theory and proverbs," said Sigit .

As the National Police Chief, Sigit ensured that he and the main officers of the National Police Headquarters are committed to providing "rewards" for personnel who carry out their duties well and work hard to serve and protect the community.

"I and all major officials have a commitment to members who have worked hard in the field, worked well, were tired, left their children and wives behind. We will always be committed to giving rewards, if I forget, please remind me," said the National Police Chief.

On the other hand, General Sigit emphasized that strict sanctions will be given to all personnel who do not carry out their duties properly, or violate existing rules.

In fact, the National Police Chief does not hesitate to take firm action against his leadership if he is unable to become an example for his staff, if in the future they still violate the rules. According to Sigit, all of this was done for the good of the Bhayangkara Corps in the future.

"But for members who make mistakes and have an impact on the organization, don't hesitate to take action. If you can't clean the tail then I will cut off the head. This is all for the good of the organization that is struggling hard. Be an example, servant and understand every problem and the voice of the community so that we can take appropriate policies," said General Sigit.

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