BANDUNG - The inactive West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara asked the Bandung District Court (PN) to be released from a corruption case in the procurement of social assistance (bansos) for handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In connection with our request for the honorable panel of judges to release me as a defendant on behalf of Aa Umbara Sutisna," Aa said while reading the memorandum of defense at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 1.

He admitted that he did not intervene in the procurement of goods for social assistance. However, he also admitted that what he was doing was recommending people he judged to be able to move quickly.

In this case, it is known that M Totoh Gunawan was appointed to procure the social assistance goods. Totoh himself has been Aa's partner for a long time, including being one of his successful teams when Aa ran for regent.

Regarding the recommendation, Aa admitted that he recommended M Totoh because it was to be able to immediately procure the goods. Because, according to him, the community during the COVID-19 pandemic really needs help.

"The conditions that occurred at that time were not normal conditions, and based on the entire series of examinations in this trial, both witnesses and experts have firmly stated that the quick decision at that time was right to do," said Aa.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor previously demanded that Aa be sentenced to 7 years in prison due to the corruption case in the procurement of the COVID-19 social assistance.

KPK prosecutor Budi Nugraha said that Aa was judged to have violated the first and second indictments, namely Article 12 letter I and Article 12 letter B of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Crime of Corruption.

"So that the panel of judges declares the defendant guilty and imposes a sentence of seven years in prison with a fine of IDR 300 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison," said Budi, Monday, October 25.

In his indictment, the prosecutor suspected that Aa was involved in corruption by arranging the procurement of emergency response items for the COVID-19 pandemic at the Bandung Regency Social Service in 2020.

Then Aa was also accused of having received Rp. 2.4 billion from a number of officials within the West Bandung Regency Government for the purpose of changing positions or maintaining positions which were seen as gratification practices.

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