JAKARTA - The viral video of a red plate car bearing the number 'AD' which was seen blocking the ambulance lane, dragged the name of Gibran Rakabuming. The mayor of Solo is furious because there are those who think that the official car belongs to the city government.

On his Instagram account, Gibran explained that the viral issue of the AD red plate official car was allegedly blocking an ambulance in Klaten. First, the AD Plate is not only Solo. Second, the official car does not belong to the Solo City Government.

"Thirdly, as a servant of the people, if any of my ranks do this, then they will not only be reprimanded, but we are ready to send more serious follow-up efforts," wrote Gibran.

Gibran's target was the news from one of the national media. In the media, there was a striking title that made President Jokowi's son angry, 'Solo Plate Service Car Blocks Ambulance Carrying Patients'.

"It would be nice, as a well-known national media, to first check the accurate information before it is published to the public. So that the public gets enlightening information," Gibran quipped.

In his Instagram account, Gibran is not only angry. He even made infographics on which cities also use the letter 'AD' as the prefix on their license plates.

Besides Solo, there are Sukoharjo, Klaten, Boyolali, Sragen, Karanganyar and Wonogiri regencies.

The head of the Klaten Health Service, Cahyono Widodo, has also confirmed that the car is indeed an operational vehicle at the Klaten Health Service. At that time, the car was about to return to the office from the direction of Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital after being used for monitoring and evaluation activities.

Traffic conditions are relatively busy and the driver takes the right side of the left lane to prepare to cross because the Klaten Health Office office is opposite the Klaten DPRD office.

"The vehicle intended to cross Pemuda Street to return to the office. However, because Pemuda Street was crowded with vehicles from the direction of the Adipura monument, the driver waited on the side of the road," said Cahyono.

But before they could cross, an ambulance from the opposite direction drove by turning on the siren, taking the opposite lane to cut through the traffic jam.

Due to traffic conditions and the position of the official car being in the middle of the lane, the official car driver could not immediately change lanes, causing the ambulance to stop.

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