MUKOMUKO - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mukomuko District Police, Bengkulu, is investigating the owner of 101 canned logs left in the Air Ikan River, Talang Arah Village, Malin Deman District.

"For now, we don't know the owner because no one was at the location when the wood was found. We will investigate it," said Kaplores Mukomuko AKBP Witdiardi in Mukomuko, Antara, Saturday, October 30.

These 101 logs come in various sizes. It is suspected that this mixed forest and meranti wood came from a production forest area in the Air Ikan area, Malin Deman District.

"We will first check to make sure the wooden embankments are in the Air Ikan production forest area in Malin Deman District first," he said.

In the chronology of the incident on Thursday, October 28, information was obtained from the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Mukomuko Police, which was detecting and pulbaketing the presence of canned wood in the Air Ikan River in Talang Arah Village. From this information, the Mukomuko Police Criminal Investigation Unit, led by the Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Teguh Ari Aji, together with the Criminal Investigation Unit KBO and members of the Tipidter Unit, members of the Samapta Unit, and the Ipuh Police Sector inspected the crime scene where the canned logs were found. Then 101 logs were found without owners of various sizes in the Air Ikan River, Talang Arah Village, Malin Deman District.

Then the hundreds of canned logs were taken to the Mukomuko Police Headquarters for further investigation. Regarding the article imposed in this case, namely Article 83 paragraph 1 letter b of Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction.

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