JAKARTA - Cigarette manufacturer PT. Djitoe Indonesia Tobbaco discovered the circulation of counterfeit cigarette products under the Djitoe Bold brand in the city of Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung. After confirming that fake cigarettes were circulating, the company immediately reported it to the police.

Head of Marketing for the Pangkal Pinang region, Dwi Rahadian, said the findings originated from customer complaints about the condition and taste of cigarettes that were not as usual. After conducting a direct inspection at a grocery shop in the Pangkalpinang City area, Dwi admitted to finding the fake Djitoe Bold cigarette product in question. Dwi immediately reported this incident to the police at the Bangka Belitung Islands Police Headquarters in mid-October. "After knowing and receiving reports from customers due to different tastes and conditions as usual, we (directly) checked. We immediately reported to the Police to help us deal with this problem," said Dwi Rahadiyan, some time ago. The evidence submitted to the police was in the form of video surveillance cameras (CCTV) containing the sale of counterfeit cigarette products and cigarette products that were suspected to be counterfeit.

Dwi denied that any of his employees were involved in the circulation and sale of counterfeit cigarette products. He even suspected that the bad guy actually claimed to be an official salesperson for PT Djitoe Indonesia Tobacco. Because of this confession, the shop did not know if the cigarette product he bought was a fake. "Initially, I didn't realize that the cigarettes were fake, but our customers have received complaints from buyers if the taste and condition of the cigarettes are different," he explained. Dwi mentioned several characteristics of fake cigarettes that were found. Among other things, the physical shape of the packaging is larger and less neat, the packaging color is dull, the size of the cigarettes is larger and the filter size is shorter, accompanied by excise bands that are different from the original ones. Dwi is still waiting for good news from the continuation of his report regarding the findings of Djitoe Bold's counterfeit cigarette products.

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