TULUNGAGUNG - Police officers from Tulungagung, East Java are still investigating the alleged molestation of two female students by Ustadz NK while studying the Koran and practicing prayers.

"The investigation continues, the legal process continues," said Tulungagung Police Chief AKBP Handono Subiakto, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 29.

Since this case was reported by the parents/guardians of two female students who were victims of sexual abuse, the police have conducted an initial examination of the victim's witnesses.

The police are also still developing an investigation, because there are allegations of more than two victims. There were a number of other students who experienced NK's indecent treatment with the same mode.

The victim's witness also briefly mentioned the names of other victims, but did not dare to report.

"Of course, from the results of the examination, we will investigate anyone who knows about the incident," said AKBP Handono.

NK's actions were reported to the police on Friday, October 22. Moreover, there is an effort by the village to try to resolve this problem through mediation on Sunday, October 24

The village leader where NK lives who participated in the mediation between NK and the victim's family, Eko, explained that NK admitted his actions, although it was still unclear.

"His confession still has multiple interpretations," said AKBP Handono.

He continued, at the mediation at the local village hall, the victim's family asked NK to apologize.

NK apologizes and promises not to repeat his actions. "Regarding the cases reported to the Resort Police, the Police have the right to answer," said the Chief of Police.

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