NTB - Investigators of the Corruption Crime of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) examined 30 witnesses in the alleged corruption case in the management of the Babakan Health Center capitation fund for the 2017-2019 budget year.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, said that the dozens of witnesses who underwent investigations came from the public health center staff and staff. "The investigation is related to the payment for health services (jaspelkes)," said Kadek Adi in Mataram, Antara, Friday, October 29.

The examination of dozens of witnesses, he said, took place over the past week. They were asked for information regarding the amount of Jaspelkes they received.

"We'll see how much they should get and the realization they receive," he said.

The handling of the alleged corruption case of the Babakan Health Center capitation fund has officially moved to the investigation stage in early September. The handling is improved based on the results of the case title.

The consideration of the Mataram Police, said Kadek Adi, was seen from the examination of the results of the investigation that indications of unlawful acts had been found.

This is related to allegations of cutting incentives for health workers. The assumption is seen from the report on the management of capitation funds. There are fictitious indications. Likewise with the alleged mark-up that arose from a number of goods procurement items.

Because of this, there are indications of corruption that refer to Article 2 and/or Article 3 of Law No. 20/2001 on Amendments to Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

However, this new chapter of the case has yet to reveal the suspect's role. But Kadek Adi ensured that this would be revealed after the investigators pocketed strong enough evidence, one of which was related to the potential loss to the state as a result of expert calculations.

In connection with this, investigators for now have pocketed the results of an independent count. The estimated value of the loss is IDR 740 million.

This potential loss to the state, explained Kadek Adi, was obtained from the results of examination of expenditure receipts, documents related to the management of capitation funds, and clarification of witnesses.

Therefore, to find out the exact potential for state losses, said Kadek Adi, investigators collaborated with BPKP NTB Representatives.

As an expert in calculating state losses, Kadek Adi assures that the results from the NTB Representative BPKP will strengthen the evidence in revealing the role of the suspect.

"Later on, after all (witness examinations) are completed, then we will ask the PKKN (calculation of state financial losses) to BPKP," said Kadek Adi.

The Babakan Health Center capitation fund is received in a monthly period. The amount of funds originating from BPJS Health and channeled through the Health Office is based on the number of participants registered at the first level health facility (FKPT), in this case the puskesmas.

The capitation funds received by the puskesmas are then managed based on the implementation procedures in realizing the budget and accountability. Its realization has been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21/2016.

The ministerial regulation relates to the use of national health insurance capitation funds for health services (jaspelkes) and operational cost support for local government-owned FKPTs (puskesmas).

In the operational component, capitation funds are used for the cost of purchasing drugs, procurement of medical devices, medical consumables, health services inside and outside the building.

There is also for operation and maintenance in the activities of mobile health centers, printed materials and office stationery, administrative costs, program coordination, information systems, human resource development, and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure.

In addition to operations, there are also capitation funds flowing for payments for health services (jaspelkes). The percentage reaches 60 percent of the total capitation funds.

Jaspelkes is distributed to health and non-health workers at the Babakan Health Center. The value is based on the type of workforce, position, and number of attendance.

Then the number of participants registered in the FKTP at the Babakan Health Center reached 15 thousand people from four villages in Sandubaya District, Mataram City.

Within a year, it was recorded that the Babakan Health Center received an average of Rp1.1 billion in capitation funds. Therefore, the capitation funds received by the Babakan Health Center in the 2017-2019 period, reached Rp. 3.3 billion.

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